Two All-Breed Obedience Trials - November 18 & 19, 2006
held at Masterpeace Dog Training, Franklin MA


Judging Panel
class Saturday Sunday
Novice A Mrs. Susan M. King Entry Limit: 18 Mr. George H. Davis Entry Limit: 18
Novice B Mr. George H. Davis Entry Limit: 27 Mrs. Susan M. King Entry Limit: 27
Open A Mrs. Susan M. King Entry Limit: 24 Mr. George H. Davis Entry Limit: 24
Open B Mr. George H. Davis Entry Limit: 24 Mrs. Susan M. King Entry Limit: 24
Utility A Mr. George H. Davis Entry Limit: 14 Mrs. Susan M. King Entry Limit: 14
Utility B Mrs. Susan M. King Entry Limit: 21 Mr. George H. Davis Entry Limit: 21

Total Entry Limit: 128. Entries Close: Wednesday, November 1, 2006.
Entry Fee: $23, second entry same dog $21.

Trial Secretary: Alice Smith
4 Leslie Road, Ipswich MA 01938
(978) 356-5693,
Contact the trial secretary for a premium list.
You can also enter using a blank AKC entry form


    Directions to Masterpeace Dog Training, Franklin MA:
    Exit #17 (Rte 140) off Rte 495.
    Take Rte 140 south for approximately one mile.
    Turn right onto Fisher Street, cross over railroad tracks to second building on the left.

    Emergency Contact Information

    • Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment Services (TuftsVETS), 264 South Street, Walpole MA. 508 668-5454
    • Milford-Whitinsville Regional Hospital, 14 Prospect St, Milford MA. 508 473-1190
    • Franklin Police Dept, 508 528-1212 or 911
    • Franklin Fire Dept, 508 528-2323 or 911

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