
This page is dedicated to all
the children who are missing, abused or have
passed away due to Illness or accidents.
"Our Missing Angels"


We must protect our children.
They are our future.

Statistics show that in the United States alone,
one child disappears every 12 seconds. Many are
never found.With our help they can be.
Being a mother myself, I can't even imagine
losing my child, whether it's abduction, abuse,
Illness, or accident.
This is every parents nightmare.
Let's open our hearts, minds and eyes.
Let's get these children home were they belong.
Let's report any abuse that we may see,
and pray for those with Illness.


Please click here!


I have a very special reason for doing this page,
For the love of all the children. Read my story.
For many, they might remember.


On a grey winter day in
December 1958, one of the deadliest fires in
American history took the lives of ninety-two
children and three nuns at a Catholic elementary
school on Chicago's West Side in Illinois. The blaze at
the Our Lady of the Angels School shocked the nation.
Well I was in that fire,only first grade, but I remember
it's like it was yesterday.
Something I will never forget.


I watched many of my friends perish in that fire.
Many families were devastated, and would never see their
children graduate. Many lost more than one child.
Families were torn apart. My Angel was with me, and kept
me safe. My brother who was in the 5th grade at the
time, got to stay home that day because of a broken arm.
Everyone in his class died, including the nun.
So yes, I Believe in Angels. I cried that morning
because I had to walk to school by myself. Today
I thank God he stayed home.There is a book written
called,"To Sleep with the Angels" by David Cowan.


Please Help!


A very sad story, but very true. Its happening everyday.
THIS HAS TO STOP. Give your child a hug today.

My name is Misty, I am but three.
My eyes are swollen, I cannot see.
I must not be loved For I am punished
By cigarette burns.
I must do right. I can't do wrong,
Or else I'm locked up All week long.
When I awake, I'm all alone.
The house is dark, My folks are gone.
Deep down inside I feel bad for Mom and Dad.
I'm really just an expensive joke.
No more or less than speed or coke.
Be quiet now! I hear a car.
My dad is back from Charlie's Bar.
I hear him curse. My name he calls.
Isqueeze myself against the wall.on my bed.
It's too late.His face is twisted into hate.
I feel the pain again and again.
Oh, Dear God! Please let it end.

My name is Misty. I am but three.
Last night my father Murdered me........

Child Abuse

This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying the 13 Missing Children Alert Cases. Clicking on the photograph will bring up the Alert
Page with more information, and the ability to print posters. Clicking
on the Marquee Message will connect to the NCMEC home page.

The image seen will change every ten minutes.
Currently the 12 most recently reported missing children
are kept in this queue. Clicking on the NCMEC logo will bring
you to the home page; clicking anywhere else will bring you to
the full details of the missing child's record. There is also
included a link to view the entire queue of 12 children.

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A Teddy Bear for all the Missing children