Nova Scotia NICHOLSONs of Spryfield

The NICHOLSONs of Spryfield, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada

Scottish Nicholson Crest

Beaver Bank Settlement Deed of William Nicholson

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Notes from Michael Nicholson:
“This is a Deed from Beaver Bank and because of the dates it’s definitely not the people we’re talking about, but the first names are remarkably similar, so I believe it may be cousins.”

No. 1245 Deed


Of Partition between heirs of Wm. Nicholson Proved Augt. 31st 1875 at 3 o’clock P.M. by certified oath J.H. Shunaman







To all whom there presents shall come we William Nicholson, David Nicholson, Daniel Nicholson, Thomas Nicholson, Charles Nicholson and Elizabeth Nicholson, all heirs at law of the late William Nicholson of Beaver Bank Settlement, deceased. Send greeting, whereas at a meeting of the said heirs held at Beaver Bank Settlement in March 1859 had the second tier of lots of the property of their late father run out and marked according to the annexed plan and then appointed two disinterested persons, Jacob Withron, Esq. And Richard S. Withron to draw the lots and mark in the names according to the letters marked in the annexed plan and we did then and there agree to said draft and, whereas Thomas Nicholson has purchased all the Right & Interest of James Nicholson into and out of the whole of his late father's estate and also in his part agrees to the division and draft and it is the true intent and meaning of the parties that each and every of them are to hold their several lots to themselves and their heirs and assigns forever William Nicholson the lot marked H on the annexed plan, to Thomas Nicholson the lot marked I on the annexed plan, to Charles Nicholson the lot marked J on the annexed plan, to David Nicholson the lot marked K on the annexed plan, to Daniel Nicholson the lot marked L on the annexed plan, to Elizabeth Nicholson the lot marked M on the annexed plan and to James Nicholson the lot marked N on the annexed plan, which was purchased and deeded to Thomas Nicholson.


 Witness our hands and seals the _____ day of April 1859

Signed, Sealed & Executed in the presence of John H. Shunaman








William R. Nicholson(L.S.) James Nicholson(L.S.)
David A. Nicholson(L.S.) Thomas Nicholson(L.S.)
Elizabeth C. Nicholson(L.S.)
John D. Nicholson(L.S.)



Before one came John Shunaman and made oath that he is a witness in the foregoing instrument and that he seen William Nicholson, David Nicholson, James Nicholson, John D. Nicholson, Thomas Nicholson and Elizabeth Nicholson sign and execute the same for the purpose therein mentioned the _________ of April 1860, Jacob Withron JT. for the County of Hants.

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