Generously provided and transcribed by Iris V. Shea, Mainland South Heritage Society

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    Church Records (all spellings copied as in the records)
    Brunswick Methodist Church (now United Methodist Church), Halifax
    1. Margaret Agnes Bertha Clarke, d/o Charles and Mary, born 2 Nov. 1873, baptised on 11 Jan. 1881
    2. Charles Melvin Clarke, s/o Charles and Mary, labourer, Halifax, born 4 Nov. 1874, baptised on 11 Jan. 1881
    3. Margaret Clark, adult, bapt. 28 Apr. 1907, of Halifax. No other information.
    4. William Melvin Clark, s/o Charles and Mary, Halifax, born 3 Sept. 1905, bapt. 25 Jan. 1906.
    5. Christine Fisher, d/o Alexander and Elizabeth, b. 14 Dec. 1900, bapt. 5 Feb. 1901.
    6. Lottie Fisher, d/o Alexander and Jane, b. 21 Dec. 1897, bapt. 2 Nov. 1898.
    J. Wesley Smith Church, Halifax (this church no longer exists)
    1. Fisher, Louisa Florence, d/o Edward and Mary A., tinsmith, b. 18 Dec. 1882, bapt. 19 Feb. 1883.
    2. Fisher, George William, s/o Alexander and Jane, bapt. 20 Aug. 1889.
    Emmanuel Anglican Church of England, Spryfield
    1. Marriage, 28 May 1928, George Wm. Oakley, carpenter, age 30, bachelor, Spryfield, s/o Frederick James and Sarah (Nicholson), to Alice Maud Relf, age 18, single, d/o Edward and Edith (Slaunwhite), b. Halifax.
    2. Marriage 27 Sept. 1934, Daniel Burton Nicholson, age 35, bachelor, Builder, s/o George William and Christina (Shaw), to Constance Ruth Dentith, age 25, spinster, d/o Rev. Arthur Francis John and Flora (Pattison) Dentith.  Wit: Hazel Grandaline Nicholson, Spryfield, and Clarence Denery Nicholson, Spryfield.
    3. Marriage 8 Sept. 1937, Roy Lounds, age 27, bachelor, chauffeur, s/o Mathew and Ethel (Wilneff) Lounds, to ¹Hazel Grandeline Nicholson, age 29, spinster, b. Halifax, d/o George William and Christina (Shaw) Nicholson, Spryfield.
    4. Marriage 2 Apr. 1948 Alexander Walter Nicholson, age 22, s/o John Frederick and Phoebe (Downing) Nicholson to Mary Elizabeth Tanner, age 19, d/o Herbert Victor Tanner and Bessie Garrit all of Spryfield.
    5. Marriage 28 Feb. 1946 Arthur Earl Feltham, age 23, Spryfield, s/o Alfred and Gertrude (MacFarlane) Feltham to Gwendolyn Gladys Nicholson, age 24, d/o John Frederick and Phebe (Downing) Nicholson.
    6. Marriage 18 May 1952 Russell Stillman Hatfield, age 32, s/o Frank and Thelma (Noble) Hatfield, to Ruth Evelyn Nicholson, age 35, d/o John Frederick and Phebe (Downing) Nicholson.
    7. Baptism, 22 Sept. 1935, Flora Frances Nicholson, b. 24 July 1935, Spryfield, d/o Daniel Burton and Constance Ruth (Dentith) Nicholson.
    8. Burial 15 Jan. 1941, Sarah Elizabeth Oakley, age 84, Spryfield, pneumonia, d. 13 Jan. 1941, buried Spryfield. From Snow’s Funeral Home I copied the year as 1940, however 1941 should be the correct year.
    9. Burial 26 Apr. 1946 Hazel Grandeline Lounds, age 39, Spryfield, buried Spryfield.
    10. Baptism Francis Ainsley Nicholson, “adopted child” of Charles and Mary Nicholson, 25 Nov. 1913, bapt. 18 May 1914 by Rev. A.F. Dentith.  So, there he is, but it does not give his actual parents names.
    ¹Ed. note: She was adopted, parents as yet unknown.  Witnesses: Hugh Alexander Geizer and Vida Viola Nicholson, Spryfield.
    St. Agnes’ Roman Catholic Church, Halifax
    Baptisms of more Nicholsons, this time some of the children of Daniel Bertram and Veronica Elizabeth (Power) Nicholson...the children were baptized all the same day, 12 Sept. 1918, the sponsor for all children was John Kline.
    1. Gordon Wesle, b. 26 Dec. 1914; a note added stated he married Margaret Marie Doyle 25 Oct. 1938
    2. James Alfred, b. 22 Apr. 1910; note stated he married to Mary Ann...(surname looks like Day, but difficult to read) at St. Patrick’s Church, Halifax
    3. Cecil Michael, b. 2 Feb. 1907
    4. Donald Harold Bernard, b. 3 Mar. (unfortunately the year is faint and not legible)
    5. Baptism Francis Ansley Nicholson, s/o of Charles and Mary Fisher Nicholson, 25 Nov. 1913, bapt. 20 May 1921 by Rev. P.F. Martin, sponsors Kathleen Burns and Sophie Kline.
    St. George’s Anglican Church, Halifax
    1. Fisher, Catherine, d/o Alexander and Jane, of Leahyville, a tinsmith, b. 6 Apr. 1884, bapt. 17 Oct. 1884
    2. Fisher, Alice Maud, d/o Alexander and Elizabeth Jane, 34 Cunard Street, a labourer, b. 25 Jan. 1891, bapt. 23 Mar. 1891
    3. Fisher, Sarah Jane, d/o Alexander and Jane, 30 James Street, a labourer, b. 2 Mar. 1893, bapt. 5 Apr. 1894
    4. Fisher, David Everard Laurin, s/o ²Daniel and Rebecca, Oxford Street, a tinsmith, b. 16 Apr. 1883, bapt. 23 July 1883
    5. Fisher, Mary Lillian, d/o Daniel and Rebecca, Beech Street, a tinsmith, b. 3 Oct. 1884, bapt. 29 Oct. 1884
    6. Nicholson, Cecil Michael, s/o Daniel and Elizabeth, 25 Bauer St., Labourer, b. 28 Feb. 1907, bapt. 29 Feb. 1908. 
    7. Nicholson, Harry Gerald, s/o Daniel B. and Lizzie, 82 Agricola St., teamster, b. 3 May 1906, bapt. 30 May 1906. 
    8. Nicholson, Charles Geoffrey, s/o Daniel Herbert and Elizabeth, 62 Maynard St., Labourer, b. 17 Sept. 1904, bapt. 8 Oct. 1904. 
    9. Nicholson, Clarence Bertram, s/o Daniel B. and Elizabeth, 38 Stairs St., truckman, b. 28 Sept. 1903, bapt. 21 Oct. 1903.
    ²I copied this fellow because he was a tinsmith, and that seems to be the trade of most of those Fishers.  He may or may not be a brother to your Mary Fisher.
    St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Halifax
    1. Baptism Florence Nicholson, d/o Charles and Mary (Fisher) Nicholson, b. 9 Jan. 1884, bapt. 17 Feb. 1903.
    2. Marriage 19 Feb. 1903, Timothy Burns, s/o James and Catherine (Charlton) Burns to Florence Nicholson, d/o Charles and Mary (Fisher) Nicholson.
    3. Marriage 15 June 1909, George Murphy, s/o Dennis and Isabel (Bellefontaine) Murphy to Mary Sutherland, d/o John and Matilda (Nicholson) Sutherland.  Notes in record give birth dates; George born 19 July 1881 in Chezzetcook; Mary b. 11 May 1886, Halifax. More notes on Sutherlands, taken from interview with descendant by Ross McKay, Mary Ellen (Nicholson) Murphy died 25 Aug. 1968 in Wolfville Nursing Home, Wolfville, NS. Buried Mount Olivet Cemetery.
    4. Baptism Burns, Mary Kathleen, d/o Timothy and Florence (Nicholson), b. 25 July 1903, bapt. 6 Sept. 1903. 
    5. Baptism Burns, Florence Lillian, d/o Timothy and Florence (Nicholson), bapt. 30 Sept. 1906. 
    6. Baptism Sutherland, Elizabeth, John and Charlotte (Nicholson), b. and bapt. 11 Aug. 1890. 
    7. Baptism Sutherland, Mary Ann, d/o John and Charlotte (Nickleson), b. 10 Oct. 1892, bapt. 8 Nov. 1892. 
    8. Baptism Sutherland, William George, s/o John and Matilda Charlotte, bapt. 10 Sept. 1893. 
    9. Baptism Sutherland, Margaret Ann, d/o John and Charlotte (Nicholson), b. 1 Jan. 1895, bapt. 13 Jan. 1895. 
    10. Baptism Sutherland, Michael Duncan, s/o John and Charlotte (Nicholson), b. 11 Oct. 1897, bapt. 22 Oct. 1897. 
    11. Baptism Sutherland, Florence Matilda, d/o John and Matilda (Nicholson), b. 18 Apr. 1902, bapt. 20 Apr. 1902.  She married Joseph Hibbert Foster 22 May 1919, according to note in this baptism record. 
    St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Halifax
    1. Nicholson, Dorothy Grace, d/o George and Margaret, b. 6 Oct. 1915, bapt. 7 Nov. 1915, 44 Dresden Row.
    2. Nicholson, Margaret Claire, d/o George W. and Margaret J., b. 15 Oct. 1917, bapt. 28 Oct. 1917; soldier, 66th Reg.
    3. Jessie Christina Shaw Nicholson, illegitimate child of Florence Nicholson, b. 7 Nov. 1900, bapt. 22 Dec. 1900, North West Arm.
    4. Clarence Roy Nicholson, s/o Charles and Sarah, b. 23 Jan. 1902, bapt. 31 Jan. 1902, North West Arm, labourer.
    These are all Charles William’s and Emily’s children, spelled as recorded:
    5. Nicholson, Ernest Alfred, b. 17 Jan. 1896, bapt. 25 Sept. 1896, St. Marg’ts Bay Rd., labourer.
    6. Nicholson, Hellen May, b. 5 Apr. 1897, baapt. 31 May 1891.
    7. Nicholson, Edith Myrtle, b. 24 Aug. 1898, bapt. 5 Sept. 1898.
    8. Nicholson, Charles Frederick, b. 3 Sept. 1899, bapt. 19 Sept. 1899.  (This must be the the child who died and was buried at Camphill cemetery)
    9. Nicholson, Emily Agnus, b. 13 Nov. 1900, bapt. 22 Dec. 1900, North West Arm, carpenter.
    10. Nicholson, Gladys Muriel, b. 29 June 1902, bapt. 21 Sept. 1902.
    11. Nicholson, Elizabeth Florence, b. 28 Aug. 1903, bapt. 7 Dec. 1903.
    12. Nicholson, Charles Edward, b. 26 June 1905, bapt. 31 Aug. 1905.
    13. Nicholson, Rose Edna, b. 3 Aug. 1907, bapt. 3 Oct. 1907.
    14. Jessie Grandline (or Granoline) Nicholson, d/o Charles William and Emily Margaret, b. 24 Oct. 1908, bapt. 17 Jan. 1909, lived St. Margaret’s Bay Road, father a carpenter.
    St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Halifax
    1. Marriage of Maurice Power to Mary Darrah, 27 Nov. 1841.  This is from the index of Halifax marriages by Terrence Punch.  I don't believe I looked it up in the church records.
    St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Halifax
    1. 22 Apr. 1900, marriage of William Hannabury, s/o Robert and Mary (spelled Nickerson) of Spryfield, to Margaret Higgins, d/o Joseph and Ellen (Bower) of Herring Cove, witnesses: William Kirby and Lizzie Power. 
    2. 28 May 1901, marriage of William Kirby, s/o Charles and Johanna (Landrigan) of Halifax, to Irene Power, d/o Jeffrey and Mary (Oakley) of Herring Cove.  Witnesses: Theodore Conway and Bridget Power.
    St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Halifax
    1. Baptism Daniel Herbert Nicholson, s/o Charles and Mary, a cabinetmaker, Spryfield, b. 21 Mar. 1879, bapt. 27 Apr. 1879.
    2. Baptism Martha Ann Nicholson, d/o Charles and Mary, cabinetmaker, Spryfield, b. 12 May 1881, bapt. 5 June 1881.
    3. Baptism Rebecca Florence Nicholson, d/o Charles and Mary, cabinetmaker, Spryfield, b. 9 Feb. 1884.
    4. Baptism Sarah Elizabeth Nicholson b: December 28, 1855 Baptism: February 10, 1856.
    5. Baptism Matilda Charlotte Nicholson was born 25 Dec. 1858, bapt. 3 June 1859.
    6. Baptism George Ebenezer Nicholson b: May 02, 1853 in Spryfield, Halifax, NS Canada Baptism: August 20, 1853
    St. Paul’s Roman Catholic, Herring Cove
    1. Marriage 21 Aug. 1877 John Sutherland, s/o Donald and Jessie (Shaw) Sutherland of Louis Cove, Richmond County, to Matilda Charlotte Nicholson, d/o William Nicholson and Mary Allen, of Spryfield.
    2. Sarah Elizabeth Nicholson was baptized as an adult in July 1880 (the date was in Latin), she gave her date of birth as 28 Dec. 1855 and her parents names as William Nicholson and Mary Allen.
    3. Baptism Power, Nicholas, age 8 days, s/o Maurice and Mary (Darrow) Power, November 1849, no day given; sponsors Patrick Dempsey and Catherine Dempsey.
    4. Baptism Power, Frederick, age 2 weeks, s/o Morris and Mary (Darrah) power, on 17 Oct. 1851. Sponsors George Brown and Mary Gorman. 
    5. Baptism Power, Richard Augustine, age 5 days, s/o Maurice and Mary (Darah) Power, on 4 May 1856. 
    6. Baptism Power, Nicholas Bonaventure, age 3 days, s/o Maurice and Mary Power, on 15 July 1858; sponsors Geoffrey Gorman and Catherine Munroe. 
    7. Baptism Power, Celestine, age 4 days, d/o Maurice and Mary (Darrah) Power, on 18 Aug. 1861; sponsors Patrick Power and Alice Power. 
    Trinity Anglican Church, Halifax
    1. Baptism Roy Edwin Nicholson, born 24 Jan. 1911, bapt. 28 Feb. 1911, s/o John Alfred and Mary Myrtle Nicholson, Halifax, Contractor.

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