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Visitor's Name: Joy Wilson Dragon
You are from: Terre Haute, IN
How you found this site: family emailed it to me
Comments: Lovely website. Can't wait to spend more time here!
Sign Time: January 15 2004 at 05:52:07
Visitor's Name: Carla HALE
You are from: Prairie Creek
How you found this site: luck
Comments: Private message. Click here to read it.
Sign Time: December 22 2003 at 17:58:50
Visitor's Name: Marion Paris
You are from: Tuscaloosa, AL
How you found this site: Frakes researcher
Comments: Am a Frakes (Crawford Co., IN) descendant widening the net in search of Phebe Frakes (Allen?) who married David Wilkins in Crawford Co. c.1850. Was Phebe a dau of Peter Frakes? Great site; 1950s family group photo really interesting and will look at it again. Thanks. mp
Sign Time: December 12 2003 at 17:31:09
Visitor's Name: Sally Gann
You are from: Bakersfield, California
How you found this site: surfing net
Comments: Private message. Click here to read it.
Sign Time: November 12 2003 at 19:40:17
Visitor's Name: Virgil M. KESTER III
Homepage URL: Kester
You are from: California
How you found this site: surfing in locations that my Kester's have been
Comments: Great web page, love it!
Sign Time: August 08 2003 at 19:22:32
Visitor's Name: YEAGER
You are from: Chattanooga TN
How you found this site: Recommended
Comments: I have a long line of descendants in Indiana and have followed the lineage to Nicholas Yager who came to Virginia in 1717.
Sign Time: July 29 2003 at 10:27:56
Visitor's Name: Gail O'BRIEN
You are from: Florida
How you found this site: Got very, very lucky (search on Gilman)
Comments: Great site! A lot of hard work went into this and it is evident. Researching Gilman/Gillman and Scott - both plentiful and very elusive.
Sign Time: July 05 2003 at 20:13:54
Visitor's Name: Doris Liston Cutting
You are from: Sutter Creek, CA
How you found this site: genealogy search for Prairie Creek
Comments: My family surnames from Prairie Creek and Vigo County include Liston,Watts. Paddock, Drake, Hayworth. Ferguson. This site is so well done, you are to be commended.
Sign Time: March 31 2003 at 20:12:12
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