This website is provided as a resource for those searching for genealogical and historical information in the townships of Prairie Creek, Prairieton and Linton in Vigo County, Indiana. Below, you'll find online data, genealogy help and much more. I hope you find something useful.
If you have records that you would be willing to share, please e-mail me. The more we put online, the more helpful this site will be for everyone. Enjoy!
Pictures of Prairie Creek
You are listening to 'I Will Always Love You' while you visit. To stop the music, right click on the square, choose stop.
"Cox Covered Bridge"
Oil Painting on a Cement Trowel by Vicki Newlin
Lots of queries posted and viewed here!
Prairie Creek Archived Guestbooks
Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3
Hosted by: Bravenet
Discuss your ancestors here!
Brick walls, look up requests, etc.
Hosted by: Rootsweb
Post important events here!
Reunions, research trips, whatever!
Vigo County Biographies Project
There are now 682 biographies online!
In April of 1999, I became the Vigo County Coordinator for the Indiana Biographies Project. We need your help putting biographies of Vigo County citizens online! If you can help, or if you would just like to visit the project, click here. As part of this project, I'm putting histories of ALL Vigo County towns online. Click here to access the Vigo County Town History Index. |
Free Queries in Vigo County!
Tamie Dehler of the Terre Haute Tribune-Star writes:
"If you are searching for an ancestor or a family member in Vigo County, Ind., or any surrounding county in Indiana or Illinois that touches Vigo, you may send a free query to be printed in my genealogy column in the Sunday newspaper. E-Mail your queries to Tamie Dehler. Please allow several weeks for publication. If you want to receive a copy of your published query, you must enclose a SASE and mail query to: GENEALOGY, Terre Haute Tribune-Star, P.O. Box 149, Terre Haute, IN 47808. At minimum, you must include names, relationships, locations and dates. If you don't include your mailing address in the query, you are greatly reducing the chance of a reply as many people don't have e-mail."
Tribune-Star Archived Genealogy Articles
Tribune-Star Article About This Web Site!

American Research | Both Countries | British Research |
BARNES English |
BARNETT English |
BRASHEAR French/American |
CATT English |
COLVIN English |
COPPER English |
CORRELL German/American |
DOWN English |
ELMES English |
FARTHING Irish/English |
FRAKES English/American |
GAINES American |
GRAY English |
GREGORY American |
GRIGGS American |
GRIMES American |
HARPER American |
HUFFMAN German/American |
HYLAND English |
IVY Irish/American |
JACKSON English |
JENNINGS American |
JOHNSON American |
JUPPE English |
KING American |
KRUZAN French/American |
LAYCOCK English/American |
LITTLE Irish/American |
LOVELACE American |
(Mc)DOUGALL Scotch/English |
McVEY Scotch/American |
MIDDLETON English/American |
NELSON English |
NORTON English |
OCKENDEN English |
PARKER English/American |
PARRATT English |
POWELL Irish/English |
RIDER English |
ROBERTS English |
ROBINSON English |
SENE French/English |
SHAW English |
SKINNER English |
SLATER English |
STAATS Dutch/American |
STRAIN Irish/American |
TERRY English |
TOWNSEND American |
TRAUTMAN German/American |
TURNER-3 English/American |
VALENTINE American |
WALDROP American |
WATSON English/American |
WILSON English/American |
WOODGATE English |
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Awarded July 7, 1999. Thanks Heartland! Designed by Teresa.
Awarded July 12, 1999. Thanks Heartland!
Click here to see other honors this site has received!
Memberships, associations and things I support
Questions, comments or something to share?
I would like to extend a special thank you to Nancy Sherrill, librarian at Vigo County Public Library. She has been a wealth of information and a great inspiration to me. Ms. Sherrill gave me my first leads and launched me into this fabulous world of genealogy. Thanks Nancy!!
I thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to send me your records so I could put them online. My gratitude to Ken Reed, Janice Thomas and Nancy Culver for their generous contributions to these pages. We shall all benefit from their kindness. Thank you!
~ When I grow up, I want to be an ancestor. ~
In honor of my little girl, Christina Rose.
| This clear ribbon trimmed in gold represents the hundreds of thousands of people who are part of the "invisible" population of people diagnosed with lung cancer.
Beloved Mother, 1935-2002.
Read about my daughter and autism here!
Copyright © 1997-2005 Prairie Creek Families - all rights reserved | Created November 1997 Last updated December 11, 2005 |