Welcome to Pack 24, Muncy, PA

Pack 24 serves 1st through 5th grade boys in Muncy, PA. The pack was chartered in 1948, and currently has 49 Scouts organized into one Tiger Den, one Bear Den, one Wolf Den , and two Webelos Dens. We meet at St. Andrews Lutheran Church (our Chartered Organization) on the 1st and 3d Mondays of each month, at 7:00 pm. During our meetings, we work on Scout skills, advancement and merit badges, and fun. Our Pack meetings are on the 4th Monday of each month. Please feel free to drop in and visit.
Our mission is to deliver to the boys and families in the Muncy area, the Cub Scout program developed by the Boy Scouts of America. We will do our best to deliver the highest quality program possible.
We will offer a high quality program to all boys in grades one through five. Our sons will advance in rank each year, beginning with Tiger Cubs, and continuing through the Arrow of Light in fifth grade. We will encourage our boys to continue the fun, adventure, and development of Scouting by graduating into a Boy Scout Troop. We hope each of our Scouts will continue to advance in the Scouting program not because of the badge of rank they may earn, but because of what they will learn about themselves, their families, others, God, and their country.
The primary values we seek to instill are contained in the Cub Scout Promise--to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the law of the pack. Our Scouts, families, adult leaders and volunteers work together to teach these values
To see the places we go and the things we are doing, check out our current

Last updated: 21 MAR 00
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