Download and try out the new yahoo Beta, rename it to ymsgrbeta.exe and execute it. Have a nice try!
Cant control myself to put in this link.
Something haven't finished about 921 Earthquake
Please download the Word document here. 921
Earthquake from Mr Koh
Malaysia's 10th Election on 29/11/1999
Hi! It has been some time since I set up my home page here, however I seldom update it. I've a strong feeling that I should update it since the incident happened about a month ago.
The Taiwan 921 Earthquak! I was in Taipei by the time, you would never know how the people who were there feel.
Please visit these sites to get more information about the earthquake, u would feel how happiness u are while u are having what u have. It's our customer site which we are working on. However, it's in Chinese character.
Any photos to add or nice gifs please mail me.
流量統計連結語法: 本站流量統計
JinyongHello, I'm Yen from Malaysia.
Well... I've to come and edit the page else Geocities would kick me out cos I didn't do any progress on this page since I signed up on 08/10/97 05:18:36. However, that's all I would do over here, want me to maintain it ? oh, friend, the time is sooo expensive, u bought for me ah ? **sigh**
U can see what I did during the summer 2 years ago. click here
Email me at in the
Please come back soon and visit me.