We hope you enjoyed our page. Please come back soon. Ann Maloney Mike Maloney Matt Connors Tigger, too D.J. Peco Tess Mess Pinky K.C. Sugar Baby Ruby Secret Turbine and last but not least, Cola

kevin adair - 12/26/00 03:34:01
My Email:tigertattc65@aol.com
State: texas

DEBBIE LANGE HUNTER - 12/24/00 07:24:07
State: MISS.
Well done ! i read everyones comments , and this will surprise most ... but i'm so related to you all , it's unbelieveable . we have over 47 chiefs in my family line , going back to Chief Moytoy , Attakullaculla , etc ... wards , rogers , reece , hunters rogers , adairs , whitemankiller , west , bell , waite , ridge , vann , sonicooie , cordery , fields , brown , grant , emory , starr , dalton , younger , raincrow , hildebrand , miller , kingfisher , mcdaniels , looney , lowrey , stewart , busheyhead , r ss , canoe , hicks , boudinot , etc , etc ... i'm really believeing the entire cherokee population truely came from one tree line . anyone may contact me , i've found numerous cousins in all name catagories ; enrolled as well as non enrolled . wado , blessings . I go by " two wolves ".

DEBRA CONKLIN - 11/25/00 05:00:36

Jerry Lynn Adair - 11/18/00 09:23:33
My Email:hghstpaul@aol.com
State: California
william issac adare/adair is my ggg-grandfather. we believe william issac is grandson of james adair. i also have his siblings & his wife. please e-mail me if you think we have a connection. sincerely, Jerry lynn Adair (female)

AJ Morris - 10/28/00 02:15:58
My Email:exdcic@aol.com
State: Texas
Very well done. I enjoyed it. Good pictures. I have pictures of Adairs.

Mary Adair Baker - 10/15/00 00:49:30
My Email:MCB1003@email.msn.com
State: SC
I enjoyed looking at your site. I am trying to research my line of Adairs, but keep running into snags. It does make me appreciate my ancestors though. Thank you for taking the effort to create this site. I loved looking at the pictures, looking for so e resemblances!!

Bernetta Chambers-Pin - 10/06/00 02:32:38
My Email:Cherokee6thGen@webtv.net
State: VA
Excellent site. Lookng for any info. on the following: Jacob West, Willis West Sr.& Jr.,Pinn. Pin, Penn,Chambers

john rice - 09/21/00 01:03:31
My Email:r j n m r i c e a o l.com
State: iowa
did your james from ireland have a brother john who also came here from ireland have a barbra adair first wife of robert parmley whos father was john adair jr. john sr. was supposed to had a brother james who went off to live with the indians . the trader james adair authored a book the life and times of the american indian the book was published around eighteen fifty john

james adair - 09/18/00 11:55:17
My Email:gaston college
State: nc
would like more info

Susie Fivekiller - 09/17/00 22:25:24
My Email:fivekiller59@yahoo.com
This is very good. I enjoyed it.

Denise Hays - 09/12/00 19:28:24
My Email:deniserhays@hotmail.com
State: Texas
Hello, I am researching the Surname Lord and was wanting to know the name of the Lords that was on your website. I saw your listing on the rootsweb website and the Lord name was one of those listed. I would appreciate any info you might have. Thank you, Denise Hays

Richard C. Hogue - 08/13/00 18:13:33
My Email:rhogue@matnet.com
State: Alaska
My grandfather, Leonard Richard Hogue, was born in Rubottom, Chick Nat, It., to Lenora Gatlin Noble (full blooded cherokee), and Charles Sherman Hogue..... Having alot of problems tracing Lenora back to her clan...Thanks, Rich

Julie - 08/04/00 00:47:07
My Email:peshcoo@sierratel.com
State: CA
My Cherokee ancester goes back a bit farther. I'm looking for Chief Donnaha of VA abt. 1700 who married ? Mary Wentworth. They had a daughter, Elizabeth (Betty). Some information I have found says he was Chief of the Donnaha tribe. Was there such a tr be? I'll keep looking!

Bobbie Harris Reinecker - 07/29/00 12:28:54
My Email:bobbie@snip.net
State: New Jersey
My grandfather always said we had American Indian in our background, njust checking to see if there was anything here. His name was Rudolph born in the late 1800's

nick emory - 07/14/00 06:42:23
My Email:nebruno@home.com
State: Washington

Robert Fowler - 05/24/00 17:28:50
My Email:robertfowler1@mindspring.com
State: GA
I found your webb site by accident I am looking for information on a Georgia L West she was my grand mother she married T M Fowler the only thing i have heard that she was part Indian . I have injoyed looking through your pages Thanks

Yung He Gen - 05/23/00 18:05:48
is this the president of the united states?

wayne adair - 05/13/00 18:36:41
State: alabama
have you looked any further back, before the adair name was introduced to this country?

DAVID HARRIS - 05/01/00 20:38:26
My Email:jd.harris@mindspring.com
State: GA.

Mike Hillis - 04/27/00 22:06:34
My Email:hillis@sybercom.net
State: VA. Beach, VA.
Hi i'm a descendant of John Gunter who was half Cherokee and half Welsch. He had three son's George, Sam and John JR. My great-great-great grandfather is one of the son's of John JR. Eliza Gunter a daughter married an Adair in Oklahoma who down the line married with Roger's and had Will Roger's. You may already know all this, as I am still discovering my Family Tree.

THOMAS DAVIS - 04/14/00 18:57:08

Robert T. West - 04/10/00 20:20:53
My Email:rtimwest@mindspring.com
State: Maryland
Great resource, many thanks for maintaining it.. RTW, son of James Robert West, son of William Emmet West, son of Robert Emmet West, son of William Mosely West, son of John W. West, son of Jacob.

dena west arnold - 04/10/00 20:13:15
My Email:bhomesolutions@aol.com
State: texas
just started trying to find out who i am.looking for any help possible.i don't have much to go on...my grandfather was claude johnny west.i know that he had people in califonia at time of his death but no other info.would appreciate anything you could tel me.denaP.s.enjoyed the site

Nathan - 04/05/00 18:37:32
My URL:http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/
My Email:Sk8kid100@yahoo.com
State: maryland
it was a good site and it help us all out and you made a boo boo on the spelling Teh

Patricia Maloney Reed - 03/19/00 17:09:19
My Email:Reedspev@email.msn.com
State: Colorado
Hi, Maurice and Effie Maloney are my grandparents. My mother has a load of information also if you would like more. Pat

james joseph maloney - 03/13/00 18:31:24
State: California
My father's side of the family came from Worcester and Webster Mass. Any body know of them?

Eric Wood - 03/10/00 06:28:15
My Email:eric@ritzcom.net
State: Wa.
I didn't find my great grandma Emiline west but being invited to you sight was an insperation what a fine job you have don god bless all Eric

Anita Adair - 03/04/00 17:10:52
My Email:samsgrande@aol.com
State: Georgia
Great Web page, my husbands family is from the North Western part of GA. Cedartown, Polk CO. His grandfather William Emmett Adair Carrol CO. GA. His Father James Arthur Adair b. 1898 lived in Cedartown.

Anita Adair - 03/04/00 17:08:12
My Email:samsgrande@aol.com
State: Georgia
Great Web page, my husbands family is from the North Western part of GA. Cedartown, Polk CO. His grandfather William Emmett Adair Carrol CO. GA. His Father James Arthur Adair b. 1898 lived in Cedartown.

Anita Adair - 03/04/00 17:05:25
My Email:samsgrande@aol.com

Stephen Huls - 02/28/00 08:03:34
My Email:skhuls@pcez.com
State: Oregon
Was just checking the net tonight if any other information on James Adair was listed and found your site. I believe my father or uncle would be interested in info exchange, as they have done alot of geneology as well on James Adair and where he came fr m. you may contact him as he has more info than I and may be of better help lol http://rampages.on ramp.net/\`dcraigh e-mail dcraigh@onramp.net it could be interesting for all of you if you havent met yet. I am Craigs son. and just getting interested in the history. have fun. gotta run. steve

Laura McMullin - 02/26/00 22:27:06
My Email:McMRose
State: OK,
My grandmother was Mary Ellen Tiger, Her mother was Mary Thompson Trott, Her mother was Sallie Thompson Adair, Her father was Walter [Black Watt Adair,I was 30 years looking for all this,I am writeing it for my grandchildren,Email me,

- 02/23/00 16:42:07

Homer Townsend - 02/20/00 04:05:02
My Email:townsend@znet.com
State: California
Have just started on geneology of my different family connections. I was very interested in your site, I am descended from Adairs thru Charlotte Adair/John Bell, James Madison Bell/Caroline Lynch, Caroline Bell/Frank Skinner, Dora Skinner /Nathaniel Dra e, Nettie Drake/Bliss Steigleder, Helen Steigleder(my Mother). Family tradition say that John Bell's father was at Yorktown.

Susie Fivekiller - 02/15/00 02:55:29
My Email:fivekiller59@yahoo.com
State: Oklahoma
Good, I enjoyed it.

Harry Olivero - 02/14/00 17:04:14
My Email:areito@bellatlantic.net
State: New York
Very well put together site. I am of the Arawak nation and I am interested in any historical books on the American Indigenous people. I understand that James Adair wrote a book in 1775 called History of the American Indian(s). I would like the priviledge f owning a copy of this magnificent work. Can anyone tell me how I can acquire one? I applaude your endeavors in keeping track of the history of Native peoples. Thank you.

Patrick G. Adair - 02/05/00 01:39:55
My Email:padair@finehomesandestates.com
State: Ca.
hi I liked veiwing your site. Our family has always said that were were part Cherokee. My grandfather is G.W. Adair of Atlanta. he died in 1920. His Father G.W. Adair is the person I believe you've mentioned in your list. How interesting. I do have t e book wriiten about the Atlanta Adairs. If you'ld like to obtain any of that info let me know. PG Adair

camber - 02/03/00 15:34:25
State: utah
good job

Mary Fister - 02/02/00 20:32:56
My Email:morwenna@pacbell.net
State: CA
Hi. I am looking for my Adair/Rogers connection. My gg grandmother was Emily ADAIR, b. 1843. She married Jasper HENRY. She was supposed to be related to "the" Will Rogers and also be of Cherokee descent. She was married by a Rev. W.P. Rogers in Arkansas. I wondered if it was a relative as her mother s maiden name may have been Rogers. Her parents were probably both from Alabama. The ceremony was also witnessed by a Mary Gibson and W.C. Wilkerson. If this mens anything to anyone, I would appreciate help!

Susan Adair Large - 02/02/00 02:13:45
My Email:lrgblue@aol.com
We are trying to trace the family history of the Adairs located primarily in Alabama.We are actively searching for information on my fathers great=grandfather William Adair. We are also trying to research the Grier side of the family. I know we have Cree Indian blood in my family but I have not been able to find that much information regarding the Creek Indians family history. Does anybody have any suggestions of sites I can visit to get information?

John Ralph Adair, M.D. - 02/01/00 03:11:07
My Email:xjadair@brightok.net
State: Oklahoma
Medical genetics might be interesting. It would be helpful to know what sort of genes are found in the adair strain. I have hypertension and am 73 years and apparently in good health. I have met other Adairs and they were generally tall with dark hair a d hazel eyes

Ann Drummond - 01/16/00 05:13:02
My Email:nittygritty@mindspring.com
State: Arkansas
Beautiful pages!! I found myself looking for any family resemblence in your photo's. I am the gg grandaughter of Julia Ann Adair, born 1819, OH. She was the daughter of John Adair JR and ? If you have Julia Ann in your line, please contact me. Warm Regards, Ann

david Wade Adair - 01/14/00 16:28:40
State: Wichita Falls, Texas
I am the son of Thomas R. Adair (TR) from Lawrenceberg, Tennessee. If any of his relatives come upon this site, please contact me. Also, my mother is a Waits from Etheridge TN.

Earline Burks White - 01/14/00 02:47:14
My Email:earline@grove.net
State: Originally- Georgia
I have a Gr. Gr. grandmother I am unable to find much on-She was Nancy Phillips born about 1800 (where)? She was married to Alford Hinesley in Jasper Co., Ga. about 1821. Other direct ancestors are these surnames: Burks, Boatright, Tally, Lassetter, Brow , Lambert, Parker, Richards, Camp, Tate, and several others. If any one knows anything on these people, I could use your help.

Charles litle - 01/05/00 08:45:53
State: teaxs

Eunice - 01/04/00 10:43:21
My URL:http://euniq.friendpages.com
My Email:euniq@excite.com
State: Australia
Hello! I am trying to obtain a second copy of Adairs History of The American Indian (first published 1775). My friend gave his copy to a friend and now regrets it. Can you give me any information of where to buy a copy please. Thank you, Eunice

Ron Flint - 12/22/99 05:32:41
My Email:tulsa60@hotmail.com
State: CA
I enjoyed your page. I am descendant of western chief john rogers. my great grand mother was victoria rogers. i wish i could get more info on her.thank you ronnie

Adair, John William - 12/21/99 00:03:10
My Email:jadair@aigionline.com
State: Oklahoma

Sheri Skidmore - 12/19/99 14:54:02
My Email:taskids@gte.net
State: IL
Great Site! I just found out I was connected to the Adair Family of Ireland. I was told my Holland line had Cherokee blood, finally tied them together. I also have Cherokee in my Young, Price and Thompson family.

jeff brashear - 12/11/99 05:54:28
My Email:rbrashear@megsinet.net
State: IL, grew up in OK
My line comes from Dorcas Lightfoot Benge-Duncan. Wish I could find out more about John Lightfoot and unknown Benge!! Thanks for the info on the Adairs! jeff

Carolyn Hill - 11/22/99 01:11:58
My Email:cjvhte@aol.com
State: Texas
I am also a decendant of Thomas Cordery and Susannah Sonicooie through their daughter Susan (susannah) Cordery and John Mosley.

Wren Five Killer - 11/21/99 22:39:48
State: IN
The Adair line looks good. Wren

George Harrell - 11/21/99 13:29:08
My URL:http://netmodem.com/dawes
My Email:webmaster@netmodem.com
State: CA
I enjoyed your site. Please add a link to http://netmodem.com/dawes . It features the Complete Dawes and Guion Miller Rolls on CD.

Noel Adair - 11/18/99 15:28:05
My Email:NAdair449@aol.com
State: Ca.
Just surfing

Kevin Adair - 11/18/99 04:41:16
My Email:LBIkadair@aol.com
State: New Jersey

Ashley Burgess - 11/15/99 03:46:53
My Email:ashleyburgess@hotmail.com
State: West Virginia
I believe we have a common ancestor in the Adair line. Will E-mail later.

Ashley Burgess - 11/15/99 03:44:40
My Email:ashleyburgess@hotmail.com

Ashley Burgess - 11/15/99 03:43:44
My Email:ashleyburgess@hotmail.com

Delores Leslie Merritt Reichenbach - 11/08/99 01:46:16
My Email:delreich@kih.net
State: Kentucky
I am happy to sign your guest book. We've always been taught by our parents to honor our Native American Heritage and our Scotch-Irish heritage. I do but am trying to find the link to my Native American line.

Don Matson - 11/02/99 17:39:33
My Email:donmatson@hotmail.com
State: Indiana
Ann, How do I find your Crichton data on your web pages???? Found your name on Rootsweb, but could not find any specific queries. I'm trying to submit a query on royal ancestry, but cannot find a place to do so. I have written to Cyndi Howell asking how to do it. I'm looking for wife of Sir James Crichton of Fendraugh who d. ca. 1536. Was she Lady Catherine, dau. of Wm. 5th Lord of Borthwick, Margaret Livingston or Margaret Stuart or was Sir James Crichton married to all 3??? Which wife was mother of my ancestor Lady Margaret Crichton, wife of John Robertson? Who was mother of Sir James Crichton?? Was she Princess Margaret Sturart who had previously married 1482 Anton of Riviers & was a dau. of King James II of Scotland 1430-1460 or was she Marion Livingston as listed in Vol. 4 p. 123 of "The Scots Peerage" or were he & Marion not married as noted in Vol. 3 p. 66 of same book??? Does anyone know answers to these questions? Thanks donmatson@hotmail.com

Lisa West Savage - 10/31/99 00:01:25
My Email:walkinged@aol.com
State: North Carolina
Great Site. For anyone researching the West line, I can help. Lisa

james morgan maloney jr - 10/27/99 22:26:40
My Email:jmalibu@prodigy.net
State: illinois
Trying to track my Maloney roots.Nothing looks familiar,but you put a great page together.We may still be related.I will research further.Thank you.sincerely Yours,Jim Maloney

Nicholas Adair - 10/26/99 21:33:33
State: CA

Vickie - 10/25/99 21:59:55
My Email:leobauer@earthlink.net
State: Massachusetts
Hi. WOW was I surprised to find your site. You helped answer questions I had on the Sonicooie/Cordery family. Keep up the great work. P.S. Interested in the following surnames: Vann, Cole Thanks, Vickie

Charles Marlin Hardage - 10/23/99 14:57:22
My Email:GHardage@aol.com
State: Georgia
I ENJOYED YOUR INFORMATION ON The Adair family. I use any information I can find to try to piece together my heritage. I have the family back to the mid 1600 in Maryland to Va. where the name was changed from Hardwick to Hardage.We find the name spelled H rdridge-Hardage-Harnage- among others. From the mid 1700's I have had extreme difficulty researching in the Carolinas. My GGgrandfather, Adam Hardage, was born in Edgefield County, SC about 1780. He married Mariah Aslin in same county in 1805. He is li ted in the 1820 census records in Edgefield County. From there he moved to Upson County, GA and died there May 18 1849. I think I have Native American connections possibly beginning in the South Carolina area; however, I have been unable to prove my direct connections.

Emmajane Denlinger - 10/22/99 20:00:17
My Email:RDenli1070@AOL.com
State: PA
My great grandmother was Rebecca Adair b. 2-2-1821 and d. 1903. She married William Robinson. Her mother was Mary Orr who was married to John Adair who was lost in the was or 1812, supposively. But this does not make sense since Rebecca was born in 182 . Any help is appreciated.

S .H. Fields - 10/15/99 03:10:38
State: IND

- 10/14/99 18:29:53

Michael Adair - 10/04/99 21:38:55
My Email:madair@cs.utah.edu
State: Utah
Very interesting, I have actually visted Adairsville but I was never able to find out the origin of the name. My father is also Michael and my grandfather is Joseph

Melissa Harlan - 09/03/99 02:39:39
My Email:melissasherbalife@bwn.net
State: Colorado

Sharon Roland - 08/11/99 13:08:48
My Email:timbers2@webtv.net
State: Arkansas
I can see you have worked very hard on your site. It was very informative and especially loved the pictures. Thanks for all the hard work. I am a descendant of the Catron, Roach, Harlan and Stephens line 2 different ways. Once again you have a wonderful ite keep up the good work.

laura adair - 08/10/99 05:13:44
My URL:http://www.onyxxweb.com
My Email:laura@onyxxweb.com
State: California, USA
Where do I fall in the big scheme of things? Grandparents: Lucille & Ollie Adair. Parents: Edward (born 1937) & Rohima (born 1947) Adair. Siblings: Shari Theresa Adair (born 1966), Laura Shalema Adair (born 1971). Can you help?

Robin Rae Adair - 07/27/99 00:59:47
My Email:none
State: Colorado
My father is: Raymond Adair Born July 19,1917 at Ramah, New Mexico Born to: Guy Adair & Pearl Irene(Fairchild)Adair My father was a famous racehorse jockey. My mailing address is: P.O. Box 751 Rye, Colorado 81069-0751

Robin Rae Adair - 07/27/99 00:59:03
My Email:none
State: Colorado
My father is: Raymond Adair Born July 19,1917 at Ramah, New Mexico Born to: Guy Adair & Pearl Irene(Fairchild)Adair My father was a famous racehorse jockey. My mailing address is: P.O. Box 751 Rye, Colorado 81069-0751

Les Lee - 07/26/99 15:40:44
My Email:LLEE407@aol.com
State: Pa
My wife is also descended from the FIELDS, Emory and Grant line. Elizabeth Spencer Fields married Benjamin Brown and that is where I made the connection. Les Lee

Nannette Whitney Gorton - 07/10/99 17:26:51
My Email:Nannettegorton@hotmail.com
State: Loiisiana
I enjoyed your page. I am a descendant of the Adair Clan. My gg grandmother was Anna Olivia Adair dau. of Isaac Adair of:Gwinette Co.,GA, Russell Co.,Ala.,Chicot Co.,Ark.,& Camp Co., Texas.

Stacey Adair Fuller - 06/29/99 07:23:19
My Email:slfuller@netscape.net
State: al

Marsha Wheeler - 06/23/99 16:20:36
My Email:marsha@oknet1.net
State: Oklahoma
Hello again Ann. James Warren Adair was born 19 April 1827, Old Cherokee Nation (GA), died 27 March 1876 in what is now Stilwell, Adair Co, OK. He was the second child of Walter Scott "Red Watt" Adair and Nannie Harris Adair. James Married on 22 Feb 1849 usannah Deborah Bean, daughter of John Bean and Ruth Starr. Is there any way you could add him to your genealogy pages? Would love to hear from other descendants! Thanks!

Amanda Rice nee Maloney - 06/22/99 15:08:38
My Email:amanda@medialaw.co.uk
State: London, England
Maloney is our family name and I just happen to do a search on the internet and was amazed to discover your site. As you will probably be aware most spellings of Maloney are as Moloney or Malony very few are spelled as our family name indeed is. My famil are from Dublin and Cork and I am the second generation of the Maloney family to be born and raised in London, England (I was born in 1974). I was interested to read your family history. Take Care. Amanda Rice

Sherri H. - 06/21/99 13:35:14
My Email:hodgsont@home.com
State: Florida
Very nice website!

George R. West - 06/15/99 13:07:01
My Email:grwauto@aol.com
State: Georgia
Thanks for the great information you have on the West.My Ggrandmother Mahala West is buried in Athens/Clarke Co. Ga.She had 3 Children,Edna,Lewis and Roscoe C West born 1888 died 1971 in clarke Co. Ga. Roscoe was my Grandfather.Can`t find anything further than Roscoe.

larry ward - 06/13/99 13:48:40
My Email:larsha@webtv.net
State: Texas
It was very enjoyable visiting your website. I am a descendant of John and Katy McDaniel Ward thru their son Charles Jackson Ward. I enjoy going thru this information and seeing all the connections between families.

Michael Reese Allen - 06/12/99 01:13:28
My Email:michaela@olypen.com
State: Washington
I'm looking for descendants from Nancy Ward,Elizabeth Ward,Nancy Martin,Rachel Hildebrand,Nancy Mitchell and my Grandfather Oscar Reese Allen b.03/31/1878. I've already found Martha Redus of Cherokee Cousins web site. Please write. Thank you.

Marsha Wheeler - 06/02/99 17:07:02
My Email:marsha@oknet1.net
State: Oklahoma
Great time spent here, and I will be back! I am a descendant of Walter Scott "Red Watt" Adair and Nannie Harris, through their son James Warren Adair whom you left out. Will gather up my info and get back to you. Love to share any and all with other desce dants and cousins! Wonderful job!

Marsha Wheeler - 06/02/99 17:06:39
My Email:marsha@oknet1.net
State: Oklahoma
Great time spent here, and I will be back! I am a descendant of Walter Scott "Red Watt" Adair and Nannie Harris, through their son James Warren Adair whom you left out. Will gather up my info and get back to you. Love to share any and all with other desce dants and cousins! Wonderful job!

carolynn leblanc - 05/28/99 02:26:45
My Email:clleblanc@yahoo.com
State: Ontario, Canada
A great homepage, I would love to do one too. I got to your site via Rootsweb (I'm looking for info on a relative named Enora Barnes who was married to a Moses Powell, they resided in prbably perry co, Ohio around 1840 or later.

Regena Cogar - 05/25/99 05:31:24
My Email:rlcogar@bellsouth.net
State: TN
Just found your site. Very nice. I too have an elusive g-grandmother. Susan Phillips (part or full Cherokee) who married Daniel Brady in WV mid-1800s. Have just begun with little info from family, but know she lived at Grasslick, WV and after Daniel died he moved in with her son Louie.

linda herzog - 05/25/99 04:45:34
My Email:lindah1@prodigy.net
State: OK
Just found your page. I'm related to Thomas Cordery & Susannah Sonnicooie line as well as Field, Bean, Hicks, Timberlake, Raincrow, Patrick, & I think Will Rogers' line. My Raincrow is Jennie who married Joseph Patrick. They are my great grandparents. This was the first time that I've seen a Raincrow mentioned on any site or home page. Glad to see that there is another decendent of that family out there somewhere.

Jim Coats - 05/08/99 02:24:31
My Email:jimnell1@comanchetx.com
State: Texas
Loved your site . Am descended through the Martins , Spears , Hildebrands , Coats ,Foremans , Emory , Grant fraternal lines and West , Shadles , Miller , Ward , Duncan,Abercrombie , Foster ( Dorcas ) , Earwood , Miller , Otterlifter , Carroll , Ward, Wag ner , Harlan , Kingfisher , Nancy and Bryan Ward. Think we share Ellis Harlan in common . Also the Mc Daniels are there also. Would love to compare notes .

Lee Weaver - 04/25/99 16:23:36
My URL:/heartland/prairie/4671
My Email:barnstomer@aol.com
State: GA
I visited your page several times. My GGGGGGM was Elizabeth Aair born 1756 in Launens, SC. I have always been told her father was James born in 1731 but after several years of research I believe it was James born 1711. Thanks for having your info on line, I actually found your page trying to find my Richard Harris. Been hamming a lot longer than genealogy, call is wi4r.

Judy West - 04/25/99 13:20:33
My Email:Callyallyy@aol.com
State: TN
Thank you for your great page ! I am married to a West and am trying to help him find info on his family. He is part Cherokee, from both mother and father's side. His G-father was Elmoe West, who shot one of his daughters and then killed himself in front of his other children. His father was Cordell B. West. If you can help with that connection, I would be greatful!!

Steve Looney - 04/19/99 00:28:02
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~mozark/
My Email:cslooney@mozark1.com
State: TX
Correction to email address ///Steve Looney///

Steve Looney - 04/19/99 00:23:51
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~mozark/
My Email:cslooney
State: TX
Great NA site. Curious as to no mention of Chief John Looney. I've been trying to find info on this person for a long time. Some info is published on my web pages at: http://www.mindspring.com/~mozark/LnyNA.html Any assistance is most appreciated. Keep up the great Web work. ///Steve Looney///

Donald G. Martin - 03/26/99 18:00:02
My Email:martindm@gte.net
State: CA
My families are Martin (AL&Tx) and Laney (AR&Tx}. My mother's grandmother was Caroline Lightfoot (8-8-1846) married to Russell Erastus Legrand Laney (4-1-1843). She was believed to be part Cherokee or Chotaw but We cannot find additional information about her. It was interesting going thru your web site.

Sally Gill - 03/23/99 06:21:53
My Email:TedWGILL@prodigy.net
State: Colorado
I was so excited to find your web site. My maternal grandparents were Myrtle Maude Adair and Clem Faulkner both of Cherokee ancestry. My Cherokee ancestors settled in Stilwell and Faulkners were from Muldrow. I am related to you, Ann, from John Adair and GaHoGa Foster nee Lightfoot. Their son,Samuel, Sr. was my 4th grgrandfather. I am enjoying all the information you have on you pages. Thank you for sharing all this information! I'll be back! Sally Gill

Carol Corrao - 03/07/99 03:08:28
My Email:ccorrao@umich.edu
State: MI
Greetings Cousin! I am a decendant of George Washington Rogers - he's my gggggrandfather. I enjoyed your family info and can't wait to get to work on Monday to print it off! You have my e-mail address. Would love to hear from you! I live in MI but my mom's from Arkansas. Hope to hear from you. Carol

Thomas McCall - 02/27/99 22:11:18
My Email:tlmccall@uswest.net
State: Utah
Seking info about; Susannah Emory and Capt.John Stewart George Lowery born 1740 and Nannie Lowery born 1748 wife og George

Bonnie Brooks - 02/18/99 14:40:45
My Email:BonnieFromOH@webtv.net
State: OH
Back again! I goofed. My line goes RIchard I, Thomas, William, etc. I Mistakenly put Rich. I to Rich. II in the first note. Don't know what I was thinking.

Bonnie Brooks - 02/18/99 14:10:56
My Email:BonnieFromOH@webtv.net
State: OH
What great fortune it was for me to surf into your site! I now know more about Richard I's line. I had quit a bit of info back to Richard I, but nothing before him. Now thanks to you, I can fill in more blanks. I have tons of info from him down to me. I d n't have my papers in front of me, so I may skip an ancestor or two, but it goes Richard I, Richard II, Thomas, William, Joel, Samuel, Samuel Marcellus, Edward, James and then me. I'd love to share and exchage Buffington info. Does anyone out there have p oof that Elizabeth Logan Buffington was part indian? If yes, what tribe? Who were her parents and grandparents? Any and all info would be apprecited. I think you are doing a great job with your web sights! Keep up the great work. Hope to hear back from yo .

thom prassa - 02/08/99 21:20:46
My Email:tprassa@igc.apc.org
State: Virginia
I am trying to find out who or what HAOE is. Was he a Cherokee Chief? If you would not mind e-buzzing me back, if you have any answers. Thanks!

TERRY MCCUBBIN - 02/05/99 22:39:31
State: IL
My mother was a Fields and I was doing some research when I was your site. I am also looking for the Trammel family. I was told that my g.grandfather was indian and I have seen some Trammels mentioned as being Cherokee. Is there a census for the tribe tha I can access online. You've done a very good job with your site. Thanks. Terry

Joyce Foster - 02/03/99 20:01:40
My Email:joyter@c2i2.com
State: Arizona
I'm enjoying your page...I was looking for my ancestor Chief Charles R. Hicks..He died in New Echota... Joyce

Ron Martin - 01/30/99 15:59:14
My URL:http://www.uftree.com/UFT/WebPages/RonMartin/MARTIN/index.htm
My Email:Carver2928@aol.com
State: Idaho
I'm sorry, I forgot the .com in my URL. Here is the correct one.

Ron Martin - 01/30/99 15:47:46
My URL:http://www.uftree/UFT/WebPages/RonMartin/MARTIN/index.htm
My Email:Carver2928@aol.com
State: IDAHO
I really like your book. I noticed you have some LIGHTFOOTS in your tree. My ggrandmother (Mary E Riley) had three sisters, two of the three sisters married LIGHTFOOT brothers in Deleon,Texas c: 1860-1890. Do you have LIGHTFOOTS & RILEY marriages? Mary E ILEY (ggrandmother)married Wm. L. MARTIN (ggrandfather) Cooke Co., Texas 1889. I enjoy your web site.

- 01/27/99 21:58:26

Capucine Powell - 01/22/99 21:16:11
My URL:http://www.pinnaclenutritionals.com
My Email:osiyo@webzone.net
I had writen in earlier and my father has since then read and has helped me with my entry. New Version: I am the 9th generation of Ludwig Grant. My 7th great grandmother was Susanna Emery-Excuss my spelling-who married Richards Fields, an englishman. hier first born son became the well known Chief Richards Fields, Chief of the Texas Cherokees. Richards first wife was Genie Buffington. Thier 5th child was Ezekial Fields. Ezekials 6th child was George Washington Fields, my great, great, grand father. His first wife was Malina Weir, 2nd wife was Sarah MaGee, half Cherokee blood and his 3rd wife was Sarah "Grandmother Betty' Silversmith, a full blood-My great, great grandmother. One of grand daddy Georges 32 children was Nancy Bell Fields-My great gran mother. Who marrired a Fogal and had my Grand Mother Pauline Ruth Fogal and she married a Powell and having my dad Ralph Powell, who was an unsecessful candidate in the 1995 Cherokee Chief Elections. He fathered Capucine & Scott. So if this linage inte est anyone or if any one has information on the above I would be very interested. Thank You-Capucine

Capucine Powell - 01/22/99 20:10:35
My Email:osiyo.webzone.net
I am a 5th generation of Chief Richard Fields. My father ran in 1975 Cherokee Chief election against Ross Swimmer. I study Cherokee Hiostory & The Language. I am really interested in any information you can give me on the Grant/Fields geneology. Capucine

Richard D. Tame - 01/20/99 04:17:51
My Email:rdt@dzn.com
State: Texas
I am currently looking for information on my father Buthel Tame and my grandfather George Tame. George is a full blooded cherokee, but i haven't been able to find any information on him. Any help will be appreciated.

Richard D. Tame - 01/20/99 04:15:53

Debbie Huckleby - 01/03/99 03:31:19
My Email:huckleby@viagrafix.net
State: Oklahoma
Really enjoyed your website!Have been looking through it for over an hour. Found lots of good information that coincides with what I have been working on for the Adairs!We are descendants from John Adair and Gahoga,his son Edward that Married Martha Ritchie and their son John that married Annie Berry Graham. Very, Very nicely done and informative.Thanks so much for all your hard work.

John Hayden - 12/23/98 17:49:25
My Email:jshayden@nmcg.net
State: NM
I'm interested in finding out geneology of my greatgrandmother Bush. Family story is that she was 1/2 Cherokee, born late 1880's near Pineville, Ark. Maiden name unknown. Married a John Bush, of English descent. Any suggestions? -- jsh

Billy Williams - 12/22/98 14:32:53
My Email:billyw3@juno.com
State: ok
Just came across this site. I am a descendant of Thomas Cordery and Susannah Sonnicooie. My grandmother is a Miller.

Peggy Pennington - 12/13/98 18:50:48
My Email:granny101@alltel.net
I have just started this Indian heritage for not only my husband but a cousin of his that wants so very much to know who HE is.Thay are suspose to be CHEROKEE from OK. We found out last night that a Aunt had a number of 134 what ever that means.Could you lease point me in the right direction.The Grandfather was WILLIAM P.PENNINGTON b. ? d.? Buried at HORATIO,AR married LAURA STINSON b.? d.? Thanks, Peggy Pennington granny101@alltel.net

Charles McCool - 12/04/98 21:01:13
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mccooltrav
My Email:mccooltrav@aol.com
State: Virginia
Hi Distant Cousin: I descend from the Thomas Buffington Jr - Mary Harlan line. Thank you very much for the great genealogy information. I learned lots!! Charles McCool

Crystal Rhiannon Sheffer - 11/24/98 14:34:25
State: Delaware

Harry Buffington - 11/19/98 20:46:06
My Email:harryb2@mpinet.net
State: NJ
My Grandfather was William W Buffington, 1867-1951,Born Union Town, Pa. My Grandmother was Esther Mahala Hadley Mohn, 1872-1920, born Hebron, Pa. I was looking for family before that. The best to your family. Harry E Buffington

Robbie - 11/14/98 03:58:36
My Email:cocopeli@msn.com
State: Oklahoma
I too am looking for the genealogy on Ludovic Grant. Have you seen the one mentioned in the Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia? He was the eighth Laird of Freuchie and so rich and powerful that he was popularly called "the Highland king". The only thi g here is that it looks like this one lived in 1694. But the name Ogilvie comes up when in 1811, Sir Lewis Grant of Grant inherited the Ogilvie earldoms of Seafield and Findlater. Clan Grant then fell in dispute with his brothers. Robbie

Miranda Valley - 10/27/98 15:14:46
My Email:mgvalley@yahoo.com
State: Oklahoma
My grandfather's last Name was Adair. His father was Bill Adair, I think. Somewhere back down the line there is a Bill Adair. He was born in the Old Naton East of the Mississippi. If you are related to him or have any information on him could you plea e e-mail me at mgvalley@yahoo.com? Thank you very much.

10/04/98 12:59:45
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

M.J. Waldrop - 10/01/98 02:30:11
My Email:mawaldr@ionet.net
State: Okla
I really enjoyed your web page. I'm impressed on all your hard work and I'm thankful to be your cousin and to be cherokee.

Suzanne Grant Griffith - 09/24/98 18:03:39
My Email:sgriff@icdc.com
State: Pennsylvania
Congratulations on a beautifully done work! As a Cherokee with a long time interest in family history who has not until now had time to do serious research, you are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing with us! (my surnames include Buffington, Cunning am, Daniel, Downing, Emory, Fields, Grant, Hicks, Kingfisher, Martin, McDonald, Paden, Ross, Robbins, Taylor.)

N C DEMAREE - 08/25/98 15:08:17
State: KY

Terry Lay - 08/25/98 04:58:48
My Email:lately@sk.com
You obviously have put a lot of effort into being where I would like to be with family history...

Will Wiley Rogers - 07/24/98 05:27:35
My Email:wrogers2@bellsouth.net
State: Riverdale, Georgia
I was stunned when I saw the picture of Dewitt Jacob Adair. It could have been me at that age. In my research, I found that we are related to the Adairs. i don't think in direct line, however. I belong to John Rogers and Tiana Fosterboth of whom are f om the Old Nation East--New Echota area. I would like to know about the family. Perhaps, there is a line I am not aware of.

Rosealee Porter - 07/14/98 22:09:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prarie/2108
My Email:mickp@iavbbs.com
State: Michigan
Great site,loved your story of your grandmother

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