Our Family Home Page


What This Page is About

We have created this page with our interests in mind. We hope that you have fun browsing. Please sign our guestbook when you are finished, or before you begin. We are very glad that you stopped by.

Our family consists of three people living under the same roof, and three people who live away from home. Our names are Mike and Ann Maloney and we have four children. Two girls and two boys. We also have two grandchildren, and nine cats and two dogs. We have one son living at home, his name is Matt Connors and he has some of his interests on this page. Our dogs are D. J. age 16, a Maltese, who is our old "baby" and Peco who is a 3 year old Maltese, and is our other "baby". Our cats are Tigger, too, a sable brown kitty, age 2; Cola, a siamese mix, age 12; Tess Mess, a muted calico, age 8; Sugar Baby, a gray and cream tabby, age 1; Ruby, an orange tabby, age 4; Pinky, an albino, age 4; Secret a black beauty, age 1; K. (Kitten) C. (Couragous), a 10 year old muted tortise shell; and last but certainly not least is Turbine, a tuxedo cat, age 4.

We live in Oklahoma, Ann is a sixth generation Oklahoman, with Cherokee ancestors, making Matt a seventh generation Oklahoman. Mike and Ann were born and raised in Oklahoma, Matt was born in Chicago, Illinois, but was raised in Oklahoma and Colorado.

We hope to make many new friends with our Home Page.

Our Families Home Page | Cherokee Genealogy | Music | Ham Radio | Pets Page | Gardening | Ann's Paternal Genealogy | Ann's Maternal Genealogy (non Cherokee) | Mike's Maternal Genealogy | Mike's Paternal Genealogy | Matt's Music Interests | Matt's Philosophy | View Guest Book | Sign Guestbook

This page was created by me, Ann Maloney. If you have questions or comments about my genealogy, please email me


The contents of these pages is copyrighted © 1997 by Ann Maloney. Use only with permission. The pictures are from our personal collection. DO NOT USE PHOTOS WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. luvcats@ionet.net

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