Sarah's Crafts Page

My name is Sarah and I live in Perth, Western Australia with my husband Daryl and three children, Shauni, Kimberley and Harley.

I have created this page as my assignment for a class I am taking at Virtual University.

On this page I will put up pictures of things I have made with the various crafts I like to do. My favourite crafts are crochet, cross-stitch and rubberstamping. I have also tried some quilling and instant decoupage.
I will also provide links to various craft sites that I like to visit.

View my Virtual Notebook HERE.

Eventually I would like to develop this site into a Craft Reference site with lots of different links and patterns and projects (this may take some time though!).

I already have my own personal homepage -

at Geocities but am taking the class to learn more about HTML and Java, frames, etc. In my Geocities page I have only used basic HTML (links, some tables). I haven't been very keen on Java but I think it would be good to learn and then use in moderation on my site.

Here is the first of my Craft Links Pages.

Song: Candle In The Wind by Elton John

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Here are some HTML resources I have used in my class:

HTML Resources
HTML Primer HTML Goodies
20 Questions about HTML 4.0 HTML Reference Manual
Killer Websites Tables Tutorial Table Sampler

Background and some graphics from Touch of Country Logo

Midi File from The Midi Farm