Chubby my sweet Collie went to Rainbow heaven. He learned how to jump a fence and was going around visiting friends when he was hit by a car. The grief and pain that we felt was horrible. I felt guilty because we would let him out in the back yard to play and thought we had fixed the fence climbing problem. I am still a member a very quiet memeber of the Collie-L, they are a bunch of wonderful, knowledgeable people that are willing to help with anything you have to ask.
Chubby's Links
Lance is my Rescue, he is 9 1/2 years old
and is a wonderful old man. I received him from a rescue in Tenn.
I was wanting another Collie and had already learned a lot about rescues,
so that was my choice. There are so many unwanted dog, that if you
are looking for a pet quality dog then rescue is the way to go. If
you are looking for a Show Dog, then you need to visit a Kennel,
ask questions check them out. Make sure that you don't get a pet
from a Back yard breeder, because they don't do the eye and hip checks,
they are usually in it for the money.
Let me take this little bit of space here to
tell you that, if you are not going to breed or show your dog, then get
him or her Spayed or Neutered. It not only saves you grief when the
next door neighbor blames you for their precious getting pregnant.
But saves and prolongs your pets life. you should not breed unless
you know what you are doing. Too many puppies, kittens and unwanted
pets go to the Dog Pound each year and NEVER leave. There are not
enough hours in the day to save every pet. If you don't have a pet
yet and you are looking, Check with a local rescue group or with your local
dog pound. Save a Pet today.
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