A sister like you is forever
This page is dedicated to my younger sister.  Well really my only sister.  We are two years apart, did not really become close till she moved away.  You know when your mom would say "One day you will leave each other and then you will miss each other"  Well boy was she right.  Don't you hate admitting Moms are right sometimes.  :)  Cher to me has always been the more brave one.  She is not afraid to go and and try something or I guess reach for that star.  We have had our differences, but they always worked out, except the bedroom and she was messy growing up.  :)  Cher since she got married Way back when has moved several times.  She now lives in Fl with a loving husband that SPOILS her and her two wonderful children and her Dog.  When she moved to Fl it really bothered me, because  I knew that I would not get to see her as much as I wanted too.  When she lived in Ga I was able to visit a lot as it was not far away.
I can remember growing up and me trying to be ms. bossy pants use to tell my sister and brother if they did not wait up for me I was gonna sit on them.  But then I can remember when I was married and needed a friend she was there for me.  I can see her when her first niece was born, she would come over and get her and take her out, or she would show up with some outfits for her because she liked them.  Cherie has a mind of her own but I would not for the life of me give her up for nothing.

She has believed in me when I did not.  But my goodness she can bug the mess out of you too :)  If I am online she will at times send me messages,  where are your new pages.  Have you got so and so up yet.  Well when you gonna get it done.  But if it was not for her most of it would still be sitting on this computer waiting to be done.   She one day was playing around and emailed me and Stated " I want to apply for your award oops wait you dont have one."  So I wrote her back and said " I guess I will have to get one."  So what does she do, she sends me three to give out.  NOW Thats a SISTER.  

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