Kenna's Memory Treasure's Tips and Ideas

Last update February 12, 2000.

Just click on the category you wish to view. If you have any tips and ideas you'd like to share, please e-mail Kenna and I'll be happy to add it.
ABC Albums Laurie's Lists provides you with ABC lists for Teacher's, Grandparent's and lots more. This is the most comprehensive ABC's list you find anywhere on the net. Stop by and tell her "hi" for me!
Alphabets To Print and more!! Scrap Happy provides four different alphabets to print and use in your scrapbooking. You will also find some great layout examples here too.
Crazy for Scrappin' Idea Corner scrapbook ideas, page layouts, tips, rubber stamping.
FAQ's on Scrapbooking Get the answers to all those Frequently Asked Questions - like what does it mean to be acid-free? Courtesy of Scrapbook Mania.
Links2Go:Scrapbooking key resources to links on scrapbooking.
Marge's Memory Garden my local Scrapbooking Store who has the best links for doing history pages.
Mats and Frames by Get the most out of your paper using the 12" Fiskar Trimmer.
Marilee's Paper Dolls Printable Paper Dolls
Name-Traces Heritage ideas and tips with links to other sites on the web.
Pocket Pages looking for ways to help keep your memorabilia safe? Or just want to include it in your album? Then Graceful Bee will show you how to do a "Pocket Page"
Scrapbooking Links More scrapbooking links from I Wanna Be Scrapbooking plus, links to clip art & graphics, fonts, and craft links.
How To Scan 12 x 12 Layouts Creative Scrapbooking by Cynthia Anning shows you how to "scan & stitch" your album layouts.
Scanning 12 x 12 Layouts for the Internet another great article on scanning and stitching your 12 x 12 layouts from The Scrapbooking Idea Network.
Scanning Tips 101 a few basic scanning tips.
Scraplink's Scanning Page links you to sites explaining the how-to.
TSIN The Scrapbooking Idea Network, the name of this site pretty well sums up what you can expect from this great site and you won't find a sweeter web host then Jennia Hart.
Stampin & Scrappin Heritage ideas.
Scrapbook Addict's Review be sure to check out what other scrapbooker's are saying about certain products before buying, or add your own critique.

Grapics Courtsey of

Please report any missing or broken links to Kenna's Memory Treasures.
Last update February 13, 2000.

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