Kenna's Memory Treasure's Links
Scrapbooking Supplies
To choose an online scrapbook store, just scroll down, select & press "Go".
Please note that online stores that show the **** are my recommended favorite places to shop. If your looking for a specific supply and can't find it, please feel free to email Kenna, I'd be happy to locate it for you.
Okay, now before you go ahead and make a scrapbooking or stamping supply purchase,
why not check out the Scrapbook Addict Review Page and see how scrapbook users rated it

Scrapbook Auction Sites

Magnolia Memories
Yahoo!Scrapbook Auctions
Ebay - Scrapbooking Supplies - free to both buyer & seller.

While auctions are lots of fun and can be a great place to find low, reasonable products, I would like to take this time and offer a few words of caution. Don't let yourself get caught up in the moment when bidding on scrapbook or stamping supplies -- remember what the true cost value> is of the item your bidding on and take into account the shipping costs.

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Please report any broken or missing links to Kenna's Memory Treasures
Last Update May, 2001.