Radoslaw Ryckowski - 10/13/00 07:40:30
My URL:http:/www.troll.com.pl/r
My Email:rydzu@troll.com.pl
Are you: NO
Where are you from?: Poland
Linda - 07/20/00 12:19:13
My URL:http:///Paris/Cabaret/5020/
My Email:gma536@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: Fire pages
Are you: somewhat
How did you find my site?: surfing
Where are you from?: Iowa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: none
Really nice site!!
11/14/99 11:07:17
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
William Trippe - 09/06/99 14:22:46
My URL:http://cometotampabay.com/
My Email:WTrippe@bigfoot.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.usf.edu/
Are you: Not "into"
How did you find my site?: Dan's Sunken Gardens Page
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Conan O'Brien
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Metallica
I like your page. You have some great recipes here. I hope that you will contribute some to the public recipe book in my food & dining section.
Allan James - 08/18/99 01:02:35
My Email:allan1@iinet.net.au
Are you: not realy
How did you find my site?: just browsing
Where are you from?: Bunbury West Australia
What is your favorite t.v. show?: mostly sport
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Dimond
Megan Paris - 07/09/99 01:11:52
My Email:parism@cng.newsltd.com.au
Favorite Homepage: anything in geocities
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: a pen pals column
Where are you from?: Sydney Australia
What is your favorite t.v. show?: most things British
Who is your favorite musical artist?: wide and varied
Your pages are interesting, I will email you. I also collect recipes and recipe books.
I wish I was smart enough to put together a web page. I am fairly new at the internet.
Steve Hayes - 03/01/99 11:02:05
My URL:/Athens/7734
My Email:methodius@bigfoot.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7734/balkans.htm
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: Search for "Hayes family" on Altavista
Where are you from?: Pretoria, South Africa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Waiting for God
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Queen
I found your Hayes family message board, and left a message - good idea, that!
Judy - 02/19/99 01:35:06
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LibrettoLn/judysplace/
My Email:girl_J@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: NJ
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Barry Manilow
Cool page:)
10/04/98 12:58:28
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
cindy - 09/15/98 13:15:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/3451/
My Email:mumgray97@webtv.net
Favorite Homepage: Well, mine and everyone else's!!
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: you found me!
Where are you from?: US
What is your favorite t.v. show?: I love lucy to name one
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Elvis and others
I enjoyed my visit. You have some fun links and good recipes. I have saved your HP so I could go back to your links. They were fun.
Tina - 09/05/98 05:15:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1320
My Email:fuzybayr@es.co.nz
How did you find my site?: surfed on in
Where are you from?: New Zealand
Wonderful pages you have here. The graphics & backgrounds are beautiful.
Greetings from New Zealand. I enjoyed visiting your pages.
Please stop by and visit us sometime. These are our other sites.
From Tina
You have a Great site here. I really enjoyed my visit. It won't be my last that is for sure.
Have a Great Day!
junie joy - 08/08/98 18:57:53
My Email:juniejoy@aol.com
Are you: yes, all the time
How did you find my site?: e-mail buddy
Where are you from?: San Francisco bay
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Antizue road show
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Curtis Mayfield
I enjoyed reading everything.
Darlene Badenhorst - 07/03/98 17:33:50
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~im4him
My Email:im4him@frontiernet.net
Favorite Homepage: Integrity Ministries
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: From a guest book
Where are you from?: Illinois - previously South Africa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home Improvements
Who is your favorite musical artist?: None
I hope I can trace my roots - will make your page a bookmark and come back again! Thank you for doing this page.
Nancy - 05/20/98 22:16:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hearland/Valley/1067
My Email:Grumpe@chicago.avenew.com
Favorite Homepage: too many to mention
Are you: Yes, yes, yes!!!!
How did you find my site?: PYFT featured site
Where are you from?: Illinois
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home TV
Enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work on your family research. I am going to check out your links. Too bad there isn't a connection for us.
Debby - 05/20/98 21:45:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5277
My Email:unikorn9@swbell.net
Are you: Genealogy is my main hobby.
How did you find my site?: PYFT
Where are you from?: OK
Enjoyed visiting your web site. It's very nicely done.
Charlene - 05/05/98 13:00:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9969
My Email:rcvidal@mnsi.net
Favorite Homepage: Circle of Friends
How did you find my site?: Guestbook
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Dawson Creek
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Mariah Carey
Love you page.
You have done a great job.
Charlene (COF)
Kathy - 05/03/98 19:54:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ksparr/index.html
My Email:ksparr@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: mine
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: did a search for "genealogy & Neil Diamond
Where are you from?: SC
What is your favorite t.v. show?: have many
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Diamond
Ms.Ironic - 04/30/98 22:11:18
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6783/
My Email:ms_ironic@hotbot.com
Favorite Homepage: /Heartland/Prairie/8994/
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: I helped you make it.
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: GB
You Did A Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dona - 04/18/98 14:01:30
My URL:http://www.geocitites.com/Heartland/Meadows/7353
My Email:dgaustin@pacbell.net
Favorite Homepage: Lusaweb
Are you: Very much so
How did you find my site?: Through a guest book
Where are you from?: California, USA
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Cheers but its gone!
Who is your favorite musical artist?: John Cougar Mellancamp
I love genealogy and I love surfing. Your page has much that I love. I will be back. Please come visit. Dona
Diana - 04/13/98 00:23:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6515/
Favorite Homepage: mine *L*
Are you: not really
How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: PA
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home Improvement
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Clapton
Nice page! I'll have to try some of your recipes! Thanks for sharing!
Ida Kern - 03/14/98 14:16:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/4967/
My Email:clooneyfan@mindspring.com
Favorite Homepage: anything with George Clooney in it
Are you: a little
How did you find my site?: word of mouth
Where are you from?: Baltimore, MD
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Celine Dion & LeAnn Rimes
Nice page!
Scrapett - 01/24/98 21:20:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1147
My Email:sdunbar@sprintmail.com
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: you applied for my award!
Where are you from?: Ohio
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Touched by an Angel
Great job. Award won! You'll be hearing from me soon!
LaVerne Melton - 01/20/98 18:16:20
My Email:lmelton@oregoncoast.com
Favorite Homepage: genpol/PL
Are you: yes,much of my time
How did you find my site?: recommended
Where are you from?: Oregon coast
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Third Rock from the sun
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Diamond
Great WEB site, especially that you have Neil Diamond. But I need to get back to my genealogy.
Will visit as often as I can.
Jonathan Miller
My URL:http://members.aol.com/peacesog/index3.htm
My Email:peacesog@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: Not Sure
Are you: A Bit
How did you find my site?: Your E-mail
Where are you from?: Tampa,Florida
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Seinfield
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Metallica & Marlin Manson
This is the second time that I am signing
this page, had more time to browse around
in this site, and have really enjoyed it!
Thank-You for putting it up, for all of us
people to check out... Thanks!
Jonathan Miller
Jenny - 12/25/97 08:09:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8994/
My Email:jenny97@gte.net
Favorite Homepage: Genealogy and More!
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: This IS my site!
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Diamond
I just decided to test my guestbook to see if
everything is working o.k.
Merry Christmas! y'all!!!
Happy 1998!!!
Bob Heflin - 12/23/97 00:14:18
My Email:rbbarf2@iamerica.net
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: Your e-mail to me
Where are you from?: West Monroe, La
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Don't watch much...X Files!
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Classical in General/Sandy Patti
Thanks for the e-mail. I'm not sure our Heflin are connected. My ggggrandfather was James Heflin Born in Efland,NC He lived in Al, Ga, Tn, and died in Oktibbeha Cty, Ms in 1860.
Jeffery - 12/08/97 04:36:36
My URL:http://www.earthlink.net/~howardorjeff/main.html
My Email:howardorjeff@earthlink.net
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: search
Where are you from?: USA
Enjoyed my visit...If you have a chance come on over to The Present Meets The Past for a visit.
Louis - 12/04/97 06:11:01
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepage/b/y/g/bygon.html
My Email:DANTRON@webtv.net
Favorite Homepage: none
Are you: no
How did you find my site?: surfing
Where are you from?: LosAngeles
What is your favorite t.v. show?: none
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Mariah Carey
hi and come check out my page
Jerry D. Werner - 12/01/97 21:22:45
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/nestbbs/homepage.htm
My Email:nestbbs@gte.net
Favorite Homepage: My own
Are you: Yes & No
How did you find my site?: You e-mailed it to me
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Walker Texas Ranger
Who is your favorite musical artist?: I like Music Not The Artist
Well I made over to your Website Jenny. I'll Be Back
OregonRose - 11/21/97 02:48:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~oregonrose
My Email:oregonrose@geocities.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/~oregonrose/poetlobby.htm
Are you: no
How did you find my site?: I'm doing a CRC Review that you have requested
Where are you from?: Oregon
What is your favorite t.v. show?: CNN News
Who is your favorite musical artist?: No just one, I have several!
Keep up the good work.
Welcome To Heartland.
I bid you Peace and Harmony.
Brian Rice - 11/12/97 18:54:57
My Email:sfic@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
Favorite Homepage: yours
Are you: convince me!
How did you find my site?: you emailed me the address!
Where are you from?: Tampa, FL
What is your favorite t.v. show?: X-Files
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Gerry Mulligan
Hey, not bad, not bad! I like! I like! I've only looked it over, I haven't followed any links yet, but I will as soon as I get through writing this! In the meantime, I hope you're having a wonderful day and tell everyone hi!
Doomqueen - 11/10/97 17:55:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DOOMQUEEN/index.html
My Email:doomqueen@hotmail.com
Favorite Homepage: Genealogy and more, of course!
Are you: I think genealogy is fascinating.
How did you find my site?: A good friend sent it to me!
Where are you from?: Originally... New York.
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Star Trek
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Bob Seger
Just had to come check out my close friends page... I'm glad I did, it is interesting and informative, I know everyone will enjoy it as much as I have.
You've done one great page, Griz!
Brittany Tanya Ironic One Rice - 11/06/97 01:27:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BlackX/index.html
My Email:ironicone@juno.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6783/
Are you: Yes Mon!!!!
How did you find my site?: You told me
Where are you from?: Tampa Florida
What is your favorite t.v. show?: X-Men
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Garth Brooks
Cool page Dude.
Steven Metosh - 10/30/97 16:28:32
My URL:http://scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
My Email:sfqnn@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
Favorite Homepage: Don't Know Yet
Are you: Possibly
How did you find my site?: You Told Me!
Where are you from?: Mars j/k Buffalo NY, Now In Tampa FL.
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Real TV
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Slayer
Howdy, Jenny. Good to be at your home page. Sure took me long enough to get here. But at long last, here I am! Let's get this show on the road!
Lori Kruczek - 10/23/97 12:26:33
My Email:Fkruczek@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: all
Are you: barely
How did you find my site?: good friend:)
Where are you from?: GA
What is your favorite t.v. show?: I Love Lucy
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Gershwin
Thats Jenny for all your help :)
Susie Martin-Rott - 10/16/97 03:45:49
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/jrott/susie.htm
My Email:rootbound@mailexcite.com
Favorite Homepage: ILGenWeb Project State Page
Are you: Heck, I got YOU started!!!
How did you find my site?: I found it very pleasing thank you!
Where are you from?: my mommy and daddy
What is your favorite t.v. show?: any NASCAR race and historical documentaries
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Tom Petty/John Mellencamp
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Well done my good friend, well done!!! Now, if we
could just make it to the library for some more research....
Jonathan Miller - 10/16/97 03:28:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/peacesog/index.html
My Email:peacesog@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.933flz.com
Are you: A little, Still learning about my Biological Family..
How did you find my site?: From your e-mail and when we saw each other last
Where are you from?: Tampa,Florida
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Seinfield
Who is your favorite musical artist?: 2 of them
Very Nice page.. I first met Jenny and the Family,
when I was 16, when I ran my first BBS, I was
the sysop of Streets Of Gold, and she became
My Co-Sysop! I must add, she has been my best
friend, of many friends and tought me alot of
good values of right and wrong.. Thanks for being there, when no-one else wasn't.. I am 22 now, and
hope to marry my fiancia Sharon, age 25.. Thanks
alot guys, expecially to the author of this Page,
Jenny... Who has been a good friend, throughout
the years... If it wasn't for her, I would be
ziltch today.. Thank-You, if I could ever pay
you back, for all you have done, good.. Let me know..
Jonathan Miller
Bea Golden - 10/15/97 21:06:56
My Email:jgoldnnv@sylvaninfo.net
Favorite Homepage: I like family pages and geneology pages.
Are you: yes,recently
How did you find my site?: your Tennessee email
Where are you from?: Originally:Scott Co.,Tn.; Now: Warsaw,Va.
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home Matters on (The Discovery Channel)
Who is your favorite musical artist?: EEEEElvis!!!
Really enjoyed your homepage. Very pretty,peach background. Love the graphics too.
Patty - 10/14/97 02:42:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8926
My Email:tortare@ibm.net
Favorite Homepage: Anything with family stuff
Are you: Nope.
How did you find my site?: Surfing through GeoCities.
Where are you from?: Saugerties, NY
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Don't have one. I spend all my time surfing!!! LOL
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Garth Brooks
Just surfing through GeoCities. Stopped in to say hello. Enjoyed your site although I did have trouble reading the text on the links page. Blue on Blue? Anyway, keep up the good work. Best regards, Patty
Doug Hollingsworth - 10/11/97 14:19:20
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/prophet3/truth.htm
My Email:prophet3@gte.net
Favorite Homepage: Unknown
Are you: No, but, interested
How did you find my site?: Email
Where are you from?: 3rd stone from the sun
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Babylon 5
Who is your favorite musical artist?: James Marshall Hendrix
Nice looking page. I like the link/menu style...
I'm impressed that it was done freehand, without
using an HTML editor. (That's inside info) Hahaha...
Keep up the good work...
Jeffery Johnson - 10/11/97 01:19:01
My URL:http://www.earthlink.net/~howardorjeff/main.html
My Email:howardorjeff@earthlink.net
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: TNROOTS List
Where are you from?: Nashville, TN
Who is your favorite musical artist?: REM
I enjoyed my visit. Must say the background made it a little hard to read the text but other than that it is good. Come on over to The Present Meets The Past for a visit.
Tomoko Gommori - 09/29/97 06:12:12
My URL:http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~GD9A-GNMR/
My Email:aq8t-gnmr@asahi-net.or.jp
How did you find my site?: Your mail message told me.
Where are you from?: Tokyo Japan
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Eagles
Hello Jenny .
Thank you for your mail message.
I have just visited your site and will write
to you soon later , anyway what a nice page
you made !
See you later and I will write to you about
my imressions of your site.
I need to go now as it is busy today to do