Welcome to my Guestbook! Please sign and leave your own URL if you have one. I will return the favor and visit your page! Thanks a lot!

Radoslaw Ryckowski - 10/13/00 07:40:30
My URL:http:/www.troll.com.pl/r
My Email:rydzu@troll.com.pl
Are you: NO
Where are you from?: Poland


Linda - 07/20/00 12:19:13
My URL:http:///Paris/Cabaret/5020/
My Email:gma536@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: Fire pages
Are you: somewhat
How did you find my site?: surfing
Where are you from?: Iowa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: none

Really nice site!!

11/14/99 11:07:17
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

William Trippe - 09/06/99 14:22:46
My URL:http://cometotampabay.com/
My Email:WTrippe@bigfoot.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.usf.edu/
Are you: Not "into"
How did you find my site?: Dan's Sunken Gardens Page
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Conan O'Brien
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Metallica

I like your page. You have some great recipes here. I hope that you will contribute some to the public recipe book in my food & dining section.

Allan James - 08/18/99 01:02:35
My Email:allan1@iinet.net.au
Are you: not realy
How did you find my site?: just browsing
Where are you from?: Bunbury West Australia
What is your favorite t.v. show?: mostly sport
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Dimond


Megan Paris - 07/09/99 01:11:52
My Email:parism@cng.newsltd.com.au
Favorite Homepage: anything in geocities
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: a pen pals column
Where are you from?: Sydney Australia
What is your favorite t.v. show?: most things British
Who is your favorite musical artist?: wide and varied

Your pages are interesting, I will email you. I also collect recipes and recipe books. I wish I was smart enough to put together a web page. I am fairly new at the internet.

Steve Hayes - 03/01/99 11:02:05
My URL:/Athens/7734
My Email:methodius@bigfoot.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7734/balkans.htm
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: Search for "Hayes family" on Altavista
Where are you from?: Pretoria, South Africa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Waiting for God
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Queen

I found your Hayes family message board, and left a message - good idea, that!

Judy - 02/19/99 01:35:06
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LibrettoLn/judysplace/
My Email:girl_J@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: NJ
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Barry Manilow

Cool page:)

10/04/98 12:58:28
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

cindy - 09/15/98 13:15:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/3451/
My Email:mumgray97@webtv.net
Favorite Homepage: Well, mine and everyone else's!!
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: you found me!
Where are you from?: US
What is your favorite t.v. show?: I love lucy to name one
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Elvis and others

I enjoyed my visit. You have some fun links and good recipes. I have saved your HP so I could go back to your links. They were fun.

Tina - 09/05/98 05:15:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1320
My Email:fuzybayr@es.co.nz
How did you find my site?: surfed on in
Where are you from?: New Zealand

Wonderful pages you have here. The graphics & backgrounds are beautiful. Greetings from New Zealand. I enjoyed visiting your pages. Please stop by and visit us sometime. These are our other sites. From Tina

Hope your day is really special.

Eagle's Wings animated banner
Birthday Club's animated banner

Lacinda - 08/23/98 05:14:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9196
My Email:lacinda2@geocities.com
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: Singed Guestbook
Where are you from?: Illinois

You have a Great site here. I really enjoyed my visit. It won't be my last that is for sure. Have a Great Day!

junie joy - 08/08/98 18:57:53
My Email:juniejoy@aol.com
Are you: yes, all the time
How did you find my site?: e-mail buddy
Where are you from?: San Francisco bay
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Antizue road show
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Curtis Mayfield

I enjoyed reading everything.

Darlene Badenhorst - 07/03/98 17:33:50
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~im4him
My Email:im4him@frontiernet.net
Favorite Homepage: Integrity Ministries
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: From a guest book
Where are you from?: Illinois - previously South Africa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home Improvements
Who is your favorite musical artist?: None

I hope I can trace my roots - will make your page a bookmark and come back again! Thank you for doing this page.

Nancy - 05/20/98 22:16:36
My Email:Grumpe@chicago.avenew.com
Favorite Homepage: too many to mention
Are you: Yes, yes, yes!!!!
How did you find my site?: PYFT featured site
Where are you from?: Illinois
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home TV

Enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work on your family research. I am going to check out your links. Too bad there isn't a connection for us.

Debby - 05/20/98 21:45:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5277
My Email:unikorn9@swbell.net
Are you: Genealogy is my main hobby.
How did you find my site?: PYFT
Where are you from?: OK

Enjoyed visiting your web site. It's very nicely done.

Charlene - 05/05/98 13:00:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9969
My Email:rcvidal@mnsi.net
Favorite Homepage: Circle of Friends
How did you find my site?: Guestbook
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Dawson Creek
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Mariah Carey

Love you page. You have done a great job. Charlene (COF)

Kathy - 05/03/98 19:54:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ksparr/index.html
My Email:ksparr@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: mine
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: did a search for "genealogy & Neil Diamond
Where are you from?: SC
What is your favorite t.v. show?: have many
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Diamond


Ms.Ironic - 04/30/98 22:11:18
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6783/
My Email:ms_ironic@hotbot.com
Favorite Homepage: /Heartland/Prairie/8994/
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: I helped you make it.
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: GB

You Did A Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dona - 04/18/98 14:01:30
My URL:http://www.geocitites.com/Heartland/Meadows/7353
My Email:dgaustin@pacbell.net
Favorite Homepage: Lusaweb
Are you: Very much so
How did you find my site?: Through a guest book
Where are you from?: California, USA
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Cheers but its gone!
Who is your favorite musical artist?: John Cougar Mellancamp

I love genealogy and I love surfing. Your page has much that I love. I will be back. Please come visit. Dona

Diana - 04/13/98 00:23:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6515/
Favorite Homepage: mine *L*
Are you: not really
How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: PA
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home Improvement
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Clapton

Nice page! I'll have to try some of your recipes! Thanks for sharing!

Ida Kern - 03/14/98 14:16:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/4967/
My Email:clooneyfan@mindspring.com
Favorite Homepage: anything with George Clooney in it
Are you: a little
How did you find my site?: word of mouth
Where are you from?: Baltimore, MD
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Celine Dion & LeAnn Rimes

Nice page!

Scrapett - 01/24/98 21:20:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1147
My Email:sdunbar@sprintmail.com
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: you applied for my award!
Where are you from?: Ohio
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Touched by an Angel

Great job. Award won! You'll be hearing from me soon! Scrapett

LaVerne Melton - 01/20/98 18:16:20
My Email:lmelton@oregoncoast.com
Favorite Homepage: genpol/PL
Are you: yes,much of my time
How did you find my site?: recommended
Where are you from?: Oregon coast
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Third Rock from the sun
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Diamond

Great WEB site, especially that you have Neil Diamond. But I need to get back to my genealogy. Will visit as often as I can.

Jonathan Miller - 01/18/98 12:03:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/peacesog/index3.htm
My Email:peacesog@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: Not Sure
Are you: A Bit
How did you find my site?: Your E-mail
Where are you from?: Tampa,Florida
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Seinfield
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Metallica & Marlin Manson

This is the second time that I am signing this page, had more time to browse around in this site, and have really enjoyed it! Thank-You for putting it up, for all of us people to check out... Thanks! Jonathan Miller

Jenny - 12/25/97 08:09:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8994/
My Email:jenny97@gte.net
Favorite Homepage: Genealogy and More!
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: This IS my site!
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: ER
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Neil Diamond

I just decided to test my guestbook to see if everything is working o.k. Merry Christmas! y'all!!! Happy 1998!!!

Bob Heflin - 12/23/97 00:14:18
My Email:rbbarf2@iamerica.net
Are you: Yes
How did you find my site?: Your e-mail to me
Where are you from?: West Monroe, La
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Don't watch much...X Files!
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Classical in General/Sandy Patti

Thanks for the e-mail. I'm not sure our Heflin are connected. My ggggrandfather was James Heflin Born in Efland,NC He lived in Al, Ga, Tn, and died in Oktibbeha Cty, Ms in 1860.

Jeffery - 12/08/97 04:36:36
My URL:http://www.earthlink.net/~howardorjeff/main.html
My Email:howardorjeff@earthlink.net
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: search
Where are you from?: USA

Enjoyed my visit...If you have a chance come on over to The Present Meets The Past for a visit.

Louis - 12/04/97 06:11:01
My Email:DANTRON@webtv.net
Favorite Homepage: none
Are you: no
How did you find my site?: surfing
Where are you from?: LosAngeles
What is your favorite t.v. show?: none
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Mariah Carey

hi and come check out my page

Jerry D. Werner - 12/01/97 21:22:45
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/nestbbs/homepage.htm
My Email:nestbbs@gte.net
Favorite Homepage: My own
Are you: Yes & No
How did you find my site?: You e-mailed it to me
Where are you from?: Tampa
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Walker Texas Ranger
Who is your favorite musical artist?: I like Music Not The Artist

Well I made over to your Website Jenny. I'll Be Back

OregonRose - 11/21/97 02:48:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~oregonrose
My Email:oregonrose@geocities.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/~oregonrose/poetlobby.htm
Are you: no
How did you find my site?: I'm doing a CRC Review that you have requested
Where are you from?: Oregon
What is your favorite t.v. show?: CNN News
Who is your favorite musical artist?: No just one, I have several!

Keep up the good work. Welcome To Heartland. I bid you Peace and Harmony.

Brian Rice - 11/12/97 18:54:57
My Email:sfic@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
Favorite Homepage: yours
Are you: convince me!
How did you find my site?: you emailed me the address!
Where are you from?: Tampa, FL
What is your favorite t.v. show?: X-Files
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Gerry Mulligan

Hey, not bad, not bad! I like! I like! I've only looked it over, I haven't followed any links yet, but I will as soon as I get through writing this! In the meantime, I hope you're having a wonderful day and tell everyone hi!

Doomqueen - 11/10/97 17:55:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DOOMQUEEN/index.html
My Email:doomqueen@hotmail.com
Favorite Homepage: Genealogy and more, of course!
Are you: I think genealogy is fascinating.
How did you find my site?: A good friend sent it to me!
Where are you from?: Originally... New York.
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Star Trek
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Bob Seger

Just had to come check out my close friends page... I'm glad I did, it is interesting and informative, I know everyone will enjoy it as much as I have. You've done one great page, Griz!

Brittany Tanya Ironic One Rice - 11/06/97 01:27:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BlackX/index.html
My Email:ironicone@juno.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6783/
Are you: Yes Mon!!!!
How did you find my site?: You told me
Where are you from?: Tampa Florida
What is your favorite t.v. show?: X-Men
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Garth Brooks

Cool page Dude.

Steven Metosh - 10/30/97 16:28:32
My URL:http://scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
My Email:sfqnn@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
Favorite Homepage: Don't Know Yet
Are you: Possibly
How did you find my site?: You Told Me!
Where are you from?: Mars j/k Buffalo NY, Now In Tampa FL.
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Real TV
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Slayer

Howdy, Jenny. Good to be at your home page. Sure took me long enough to get here. But at long last, here I am! Let's get this show on the road!

Lori Kruczek - 10/23/97 12:26:33
My Email:Fkruczek@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: all
Are you: barely
How did you find my site?: good friend:)
Where are you from?: GA
What is your favorite t.v. show?: I Love Lucy
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Gershwin

Thats Jenny for all your help :)

Susie Martin-Rott - 10/16/97 03:45:49
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/jrott/susie.htm
My Email:rootbound@mailexcite.com
Favorite Homepage: ILGenWeb Project State Page
Are you: Heck, I got YOU started!!!
How did you find my site?: I found it very pleasing thank you!
Where are you from?: my mommy and daddy
What is your favorite t.v. show?: any NASCAR race and historical documentaries
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Tom Petty/John Mellencamp

Well done my good friend, well done!!! Now, if we could just make it to the library for some more research....

Jonathan Miller - 10/16/97 03:28:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/peacesog/index.html
My Email:peacesog@aol.com
Favorite Homepage: http://www.933flz.com
Are you: A little, Still learning about my Biological Family..
How did you find my site?: From your e-mail and when we saw each other last
Where are you from?: Tampa,Florida
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Seinfield
Who is your favorite musical artist?: 2 of them and

Very Nice page.. I first met Jenny and the Family, when I was 16, when I ran my first BBS, I was the sysop of Streets Of Gold, and she became My Co-Sysop! I must add, she has been my best friend, of many friends and tought me alot of good values of right and wrong.. Thanks for being there, when no-one else wasn't.. I am 22 now, and hope to marry my fiancia Sharon, age 25.. Thanks alot guys, expecially to the author of this Page, Jenny... Who has been a good friend, throughout the years... If it wasn't for her, I would be ziltch today.. Thank-You, if I could ever pay you back, for all you have done, good.. Let me know.. Jonathan Miller

Bea Golden - 10/15/97 21:06:56
My Email:jgoldnnv@sylvaninfo.net
Favorite Homepage: I like family pages and geneology pages.
Are you: yes,recently
How did you find my site?: your Tennessee email
Where are you from?: Originally:Scott Co.,Tn.; Now: Warsaw,Va.
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Home Matters on (The Discovery Channel)
Who is your favorite musical artist?: EEEEElvis!!!

Really enjoyed your homepage. Very pretty,peach background. Love the graphics too.

Patty - 10/14/97 02:42:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8926
My Email:tortare@ibm.net
Favorite Homepage: Anything with family stuff
Are you: Nope.
How did you find my site?: Surfing through GeoCities.
Where are you from?: Saugerties, NY
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Don't have one. I spend all my time surfing!!! LOL
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Garth Brooks

Just surfing through GeoCities. Stopped in to say hello. Enjoyed your site although I did have trouble reading the text on the links page. Blue on Blue? Anyway, keep up the good work. Best regards, Patty

Doug Hollingsworth - 10/11/97 14:19:20
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/prophet3/truth.htm
My Email:prophet3@gte.net
Favorite Homepage: Unknown
Are you: No, but, interested
How did you find my site?: Email
Where are you from?: 3rd stone from the sun
What is your favorite t.v. show?: Babylon 5
Who is your favorite musical artist?: James Marshall Hendrix

Nice looking page. I like the link/menu style... I'm impressed that it was done freehand, without using an HTML editor. (That's inside info) Hahaha... Keep up the good work...

Jeffery Johnson - 10/11/97 01:19:01
My URL:http://www.earthlink.net/~howardorjeff/main.html
My Email:howardorjeff@earthlink.net
Are you: yes
How did you find my site?: TNROOTS List
Where are you from?: Nashville, TN
Who is your favorite musical artist?: REM

I enjoyed my visit. Must say the background made it a little hard to read the text but other than that it is good. Come on over to The Present Meets The Past for a visit.

Tomoko Gommori - 09/29/97 06:12:12
My URL:http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~GD9A-GNMR/
My Email:aq8t-gnmr@asahi-net.or.jp
How did you find my site?: Your mail message told me.
Where are you from?: Tokyo Japan
Who is your favorite musical artist?: Eagles

Hello Jenny . Thank you for your mail message. I have just visited your site and will write to you soon later , anyway what a nice page you made ! See you later and I will write to you about my imressions of your site. I need to go now as it is busy today to do something. Tomoko

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