Welcome at the beginning of a wonderfull trip through the
environment and life of Nishikigoi. You arrived at the start
of the Internet Tour for each Koi Lover
If you want to learn more about Nishikigoi or if you want to become a member
of the ITKL-ring, then you are at the right place. I also try to provide a lot
of good available books, videos and other utilities that are useful when
you are in this great hobby. These items can be found in the ITKL shop.
There are already a lot of books mentioned but if you are looking for something
else and you can't find it, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
If you have any ideas or remarks for ITKL, feel free to send a
mail to
Steven Deneir
As I am not able to frequently check all the links on my site I would
appreciate it if you would sent me a notice when you encounter an invalid
Since october the 24th 1996 you are visitor
of this page and I hope you will enjoy your trip.
ITKL is possible thanks to