October of every year is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a good time to find lots of info BUT there is always info out there. Be sure to check yourself often as I did not. It may save your life.
I am a recent Breast Cancer survivor (Stage II) and am still working on recovering from everything. That is why there haven't been many updates to the web site. The chemotheraphy has a way of messing with your mind : ) Both my Mom and Dad and my Grandfather passed away with cancer also so it is no stranger to me.
I never joined any of the support groups but there are a LOT of them out there. I will be glad to tell you what I have gone through and try to answer any questions you might have and just be a friend if you find that you need some support on this subject. I have been lucky enough to have a great family that has been my support through out all of this.
Take a look at some of the links below. They may be of some help to someone. There are LOTS more out there! Using just about any search engine will give you a bunch.

American Cancer Society

Tamoxifen Web Site, lots of info

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Susan Love MD

Web MD

imaginis-lots of info on breast cancer


La Muffin's Breast Cancer Page

The Pink Ladies Webring
Connie Welch
is a Proud Member of
The Pink Ladies
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