Welcome ALL Students!
(but especially all you Mohicans out there!)
Hi! Welcome to Mrs. Berger's math and education page, dedicated to
the 8th grade class of 1998! Here you can find out many things
Tuloso-Midway Middle School during the year of 1998,
my final year
with the school that gave me my start in education. Thank you T-M!
A Reason for Pride
Would you like to know the source of my pride in Tuloso-Midway?
Come see my TAAS page and let me show you!
The Homework Headline
Can't remember this week's homework assignments?
Well, my Homework Headline is no longer up to date.
However, you can
take a look at my final
(With one final SURPRISE!)
Use the LINKS below to find out more about MATH and it's history. Test your knowledge by working puzzles! You can even get help with your HOMEWORK!
Even though we ALL know that MATH is the most FUN subject in school, below are some LINKS for those of you that are trying to get a "well rounded" education!
For the English Ladies & Gents:
For the Social Studier:
For the MAD Scientist:
Everyone's Favorite--The Picture Gallery!!!
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I'm so glad you stopped by to look at my original "home" page. I will always hold a special place
in my heart for the students that I was priveleged to have during the time I spent at Tuloso-Midway.
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