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Welcome to Our Adventures Page!


On "rainy" days in the house, we like to stay warm and dry in the "cave" under the dining room table. Ruth can even join us when we can muster up the strength to drag her bouncy seat underneath!
Look at me! I'm Grandpa! Complete with hat and boots. Mommy tells me that she never got to play with Grandpa's hat, because it was a no-no. I guess I'm just special.
These are the dresses Mommy made us for Easter. Aren't the tulips pretty? We'll be going to Sunday School and Church in a little while, but for now we're just relaxing on the couch.
Lois has found something else that's good to do under the living room table (besides hide from Emily). She's getting good at this shapes puzzle. Yep, looks like it's nice to take a quiet break from the sisters occasionally.

Daddy's coworkers threw a diaper and formula shower for Ruth in September. They helped us make it through about 6 weeks, with their generous gifts of the items that we really needed the most. Of course, there were things like this cool caterpillar to play with, too. We wouldn't want Ruth to have NO fun, right?