The Roos Family Home Page.

(How Original!)
This page will provide information and links related to the various areas of interest to family members.

Of course, it will remain perpetually...

UNDER CONSTRUCTION! (Obligatory construction image)

Animated man with pickaxe.

I'm Pieter and this is my wife Luzella (Lu for short). At the top is a picture of us on Cape Cod on New Years Eve. Here we are closer - my wife loved the beard, but I have since shaved it!
The heading picture brings us to my primary interest:
TRAINS! {and here's the link to my train stuff}.
My other interests include computers (no! really? Actually it's what pays the bills), military history and wargames, science fiction and fantasy and jazz music (listening, not playing :-{ ).

Here is my wife with another Pete.
In addition to sports, she likes anything to do with Judy Garland and the Wizard of OZ. This is a link to her section of these pages.
Also present are our dog Bear (Tiberius) and our cats Ozma and Chessie.
This photo shows our dogs Girl (the brown dog) and Rosebud, both gone now. Rosebud and Girl
Ok , time for some looooong overdue updates. Rob is married and in the army, Rick is now working and living in Nashville. Rick has his own web site here...

Rob has a son, Logan, who I'm doing my best to "bring up right" by intoducing him to trains! Here is a picture of his first hobbyshop visit. 

The rabbits are gone (when we moved they went to a good home), we now have another dog (Tiberius) and two cats (and some fish), One of the cats, Ozma, is shown here with the fish (AKA, Kitty-TV).
In the meantime, if you have any comments, please forward them to:

Page updated 02/02/2004

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