PASTORAL LETTER - February 2000

My Dear Friends,
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen" - Ephesians 3:20f [NIV]
Well, we are now into another new year, the new century and a new millennium! For all the hype and the doom and gloom predictions, nothing very terrible happened. Electricity and water stayed online. The dread Y2K bug kept well clear and computers did not crash. Now we can give ourselves to the programme we have designated MISSION 2000. As indicated late last year, Session is concerned that we need to set the past with its controversies and uncertainties behind us. We need to gear ourselves up for relevant mission and service to congregation, community, nation and world. We need to commit ourselves afresh to the Lord - and to one another - for service in this place. We appreciate that some may have been holding themselves aloof from formalising their membership with us until the situation within the PCANZ was resolved. We feel such an outcome has been arrived at as a result of the decisions of last year's General Assembly. Thus, whether you have come from another Presbyterian parish or from a congregation of another Christian tradition, we would urge you to take your place fully with us here in active participation, fellowship and service. We believe it is a matter of fundamental discipleship. It is also an important spiritual principle. Otherwise, it is easy to regard oneself as a perpetual visitor and not really involved, easy to regard oneself as not being responsible or accountable, and thus easier to drift away. We are concerned that we consolidate ourselves as a people of God in love, faith and commitment as real disciples of Christ, and so serve here truly as a church in the 21st century.

In the light of such resolve, following our custom for many years, we have a verse for the year to give point and purpose to our endeavours. It comes from Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, which spells out what it means to be the Church of God, whether in the first century - or in the 21st. Let it encourage us in coming weeks and months. The verse occurs at the conclusion of Paul's great pastoral prayer for the church in chapter 3. Notice the focus here is primarily upon God himself, and only secondarily on the people.

Yours very sincerely,