Pastoral Letter - August 1997

My Dear Friends
"Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua I :9 [NIV]
Someone has said, "Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time." Annual Reports and Annual Meetings give opportunity to assess past achievements and future directions and objectives. Since its retreat at the beginning of May, Session has been steadily praying and working on a vision statement and parish objectives. They are now looking for input from groups and individuals within the congregation regarding the particular ways these might be "fleshed out". The purpose of such an exercise is to give us something to aim at, a target - something to keep us focussed. Otherwise time simply passes and our energies are frittered away on good by not necessarily the most important things.

Looking back we have a great deal for which to praise God. We give thanks for the financial provision which has enabled us to accomplish tasks we set ourselves for the past year; the willingness and creative giftedness of so many people committed to the Lord's work here; the people who make their own contribution to our life together with great cheerfulness while at the same time jollying the rest of us along; those marvellous folks for whom nothing ever seems too much trouble and who willingly go the second mile again and again; as well as the diligence and faithfulness of those who work steadily behind the scenes, content to be out of the public eye.

As we look to the future we are conscious that we are fast approaching the millennium with all the pressures that significant date [in the eyes of the world at least] will inevitably put on people's expectations and perspectives of the new century - however muddled or unreasonable these might be at times. The church will be caught up in that. As we look to ministering in the 21st century we should not be daunted or discouraged by the challenge of change. Rather, as in the word to Joshua, we should be "strong and courageous" - not in ourselves or in our human skill or ingenuity, but in our God who goes before us and will be with us in the future as he has in the past.

God bless you all.

Yours very sincerely,

J O Evans