Greyfriars Presbyterian Church
544 Mt Eden Road
Mt Eden
New Zealand
Ph +64-9-6302460
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Traditional Style Worship - Sunday/9:30am
Informal Evening Worship - Sunday/7:00pm
Our Mission is to worship and serve God, and to help others to
discover the truth, the love and the salvation of God.
- We believe we are Christ-centred: We are committed to worshiping and serving Jesus Christ as Lord. As such we believe the Gospel is Good News for a needy world - as well as for people seeking spiritual direction for their lives. Only in Jesus Christ is "life in all its fullness" to be found. We have found that Jesus is unique; that in His life, death and resurrection God has taken the initiative to bring us back to Himself.
- We believe we are Bible-based: For many years Greyfriars has maintained a consistent ministry of upholding the Scriptures as normative, authoritative and relevant for Christian belief and behaviour. This is set out in a vigorous pulpit ministry of expository preaching and teaching, as well as in the more informal settings of housegroups or other teaching and training programmes. "All scripture is God breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness . . ." [2 Timothy 3:16 NIV]
- We believe we are People-related: We hope you will find us a warm-hearted, caring community of faith. There is a whole range of groups and activities in our church programme, and we are confident that there is some appropriate niche for you - a place where you will feel comfortable and happy. We are a diverse group in age and interest. Whether you are a young person looking for "cool" Christian encounter, or a family wanting spiritual roots to nourish yourselves, your children or teenagers, or an older person seeking assurance of faith and pastoral care - there is something for you! We are committed to "church" being a stimulating and lively place.
- We believe we are Mission-oriented: We have not been content to look inwardly all the time, or be solely concerned with our own congregational life or well-being. We actively participate with other Mt Eden churchers in the life of our community. Our buildings are used on a weekly basis by a range of community groups. We are actively committed to sharing the Good News in Mt Eden and in Auckland, as well as participating in various networks throughout New Zealand and in mission outreach overseas.
Yours very sincerely,
J O Evans
Originally known simply as Mt Eden Presbyterian Church, Greyfriars had its beginnings in the midst of the First World War. Farmland south of Mt Eden was gradually giving way to residential development. A Sunday School had already been set up, and in July 1915 evening services were begun.
Local Presbyterians supported the new venture and shortly morning services followed. In August 1916 the group was recognised as a congregation by the Presbytery of Auckland. The foundation stone of the church building was laid in September 1916 and the Church was opened on 25 February 1917. It was a remarkable achievement.
The congregation grew steadily through the post war years and the long hard times of the Depression which soon followed. Yet it was during this time that a branch Sunday School was formed, a pipe organ installed and a Sunday School hall (now the McKinney Hall) erected. Following the Second World War the large Memorial Hall was built and some time later the Youth Centre was added.
In 1959, by resolution of the congregation the name was changed to Greyfriars, Mt Eden. This comes from the famous church in Edinburgh of the same name. It was there the Covenanters signed the National Covenant pledging themselves to uphold the reformed faith and the freedom of the church. Many did so with their lives. The change of name fitted a heritage and the time. Would it happen in today's generation when the more obvious ties with Europe are loosening?
Over the years, Greyfriars has gained something of a reputation for the quality of its Sunday services, the vitality of its Christian Education and youth ministry, its involvement in overseas mission, its integrity of witness in the community. We have entered into other peoples' labours. Now we want to serve God and this community effectively in the face of today's needs and situation.
For information about this page contact: Malcolm Mackay
Last Update: 12/10/01 23:46 PM
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