..my niece, Kate, wrote me a letter ...actually jotted down some thoughts and sent       them ...about "camp" through her eyes. She said more in that simple jotting than I  could ever hope to intentionally ...I think you should read it ...she calls it

"Holding Down the Pond"

 Ah...another Memorial Day Weekend! ..and this year, unlike ALL the previous few...Joe was actually here with us for this adventure into Black-Fly Land!...a full time resident of the Grand State of Maine now! Hats off to That!!...and speaking of hats....ever the generous soul that I am...I have GLADLY turned over my favorite plumbing hat officially to Joe! Am I not the most sharing person you could ever want to meet??

  We got a real head start of the grand camp opening routine this year, when Joe and I decided a few days BEFORE M.D. Weekend to go down and get some basics done... Joe got the water in... we got the beds all made, and a majority of the dishes done... the power and phone turned on. This was a GREAT idea! It meant we had an EASY four day weekend at camp! Kate and Sandy came up, to open their camps, and we got to help some...I say WE, but of course it was Joe to the rescue!

  In preparation for the weekend, I had started some beans baking on Thursday, so we and the nieces could get together for dinner at the big camp on Saturday night...well my intentions were good...but after baking all day Friday AND all day Saturday...those beanies were still Rock Hard! .we went out to eat at the Homestead instead! Sunday night? The beans STILL weren't cooked! I GAVE UP, and opened some canned beans. Man I hate that when that happens!

  Meanwhile...while Saturday was a pretty good day (so we got the lawns mowed!)..Sunday and Monday came off rainy. Great weather for playing cards, it was! We got to play cards at Kate's camp on Saturday night...first time in Kate's new camp!! Wahoo!! :o) Then on Sunday night we all sat around the great fire that Joe built in our woodstove and talked 'til we dropped! Monday, we all headed for our respective homes!

  This will be our first family summer with Joe actually in residence, and with my Kate not there...funny how life on the lake keeps evolving! As it always has...

more next time!!

Past Summer Journals

now...stay tuned to this page for upcoming events...see ya !!

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