
the camp alpha
my soul mate!! |

communing with the camp spirits??? |
in partial face denial? |


Chad and Mortimer
Frog... |
Marcia in the
morning...ya...right... |
of us are from "The Dower Camp"...Gitcheegoomee....shared in ownership and in
Spirit by the extended and larger family unit!...and from here, "camp" branches
out to include a family of camps, up and down the shore, folks a part of the total
experience!...Lets mosey on over... |
 to my brother Sam and wife Addi's camp
next door...

beyond...oh look! here's Gus and Ruth!...and Dingo,
of course! |
 and sometimes Dingo
comes to just sit and visit... |
Next to Gus and
Ruth's live our long time neighbors, Brownie and Connie.........>>>> |

and then further on
to my friend Karen's....she and I met when i was 15 and she was 12..my nephews had tipped
over their sailboat, the mast was stuck in the lakebed...I went out in my lil boat
to"save them"...MY boat tipped over!...Karen and her Dad came out to rescue
ME....and we have been best friends ever since! |

the bunny, was at
Karen's when her folks bought the camp...it was Mr.Carelton's ...a funny little man who played
the ukelele, and sang...oh, what was that?...ah ..."Frankie and Johnny"... |


and Max! |

down the lake
about 6 miles...my aunts camp...where you always feel...
