There are just a few things you have to remember about Camp, which I will simply call CAMP
from now on, because that's it's name! isn't isn't fancy for alot of
reasons! It isn't fancy, because then it would be Home, and who in heck wants to go Home
for the summer when you can go to Camp? It isn't fancy because then you couldn't plop down
in a chair in a wet suit while you wrassle with a dad-blamed tangled up fishing
there are alot of other very good reasons why it isn't fancy that I can't think of, I am
sure!! LOL |

We live here for alot of good reasons too! For one thing gets us outside and out of
the rat race! You just sit on the end of the dock one moonlight
night...and all of this
will become clear to you! Just for one day...let your biggest decision
be...shall I use the
OFF or the Old Woodsman's ??...puts life back in perspective! Don't you think? |