Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Cape Henlopen High School Music Boosters is to lend support, both moral and financial, to the high school band & chorus programs in the Cape Henlopen school district.
Welcome to the
Cape Henlopen H.S. Music Boosters Website
Mr. Barbarita's Page
Ms. Kelso's Page
Last Month's Minutes
Minutes Page
Band Camp Info
Football Schedule
Budget 07-08
The Music Booster meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month in the High School band room at 7:00 p.m.

The next meeting will be April 12, 2009.

CHHS Music Booster Officers

Bob Wingo  -  President                
Darrell Dukes  -  Vice President             
Yvonne Lallier  -  Secretary                      
Cheryl Littlefield  -  Treasurer                         
Heidi Dukes  -  Student Acct Treasurer

(to email an officer directly, just click on their name)

To email the boosters, Click Here!
Page last updated3/14/09
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