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Norn and Grendel Paradise

Green Edible BlobPopping ImpatiensCrayfish ToyKittyPink Edible Blob

More COBs

Updated July 14, 1998

COB ALERT! If you have the Pepsi (233), Snapple (234), Cotton Candy (235), or Candy Apple (236) COBs from Norn Hospital, DO NOT use them at the same time as our FAX Machine (233), Toy Vendor (234), Beanie Baby Vendor (235), or Easter Basket (236). If you try to inject two COBs that have the same Class Number, your Albia could CRASH! If you are a COB author, please be sure to use Class Numbers that are not being used by anyone else. (We are using 230 to 249)

Gumby DollGumby Doll
and COB Tutorial
ShowerDecreases Need for Pleasure, Boredom, and Anger; increases Sex Drive. Includes a Tutorial for making a Shower Object.
Teletubby DipsyTeletubby DipsyToyRelieves Need for Pleasure, Boredom, and Loneliness, and Anger. Visit the Teletubbies website .
Teletubby LaaLaaTeletubby LaaLaaToyRelieves Need for Pleasure, Boredom, and Loneliness, and Anger. Visit the Teletubbies website .
Teletubby PoTeletubby PoToyRelieves Need for Pleasure, Boredom, and Loneliness, and Anger. Visit the Teletubbies website .
Teletubby Tinky WinkyTeletubby Tinky WinkyToyRelieves Need for Pleasure, Boredom, and Loneliness, and Anger. Visit the Teletubbies website .
Erin Beanie BabyErin Beanie BabyShowerRelieves Tiredness, Sleepiness, Boredom, and Loneliness. You do NOT need the Beanie Baby Vendor for this COB to work.
Princess Beanie BabyPrincess Beanie BabyShowerRelieves Tiredness, Sleepiness, Boredom, and Loneliness. You do NOT need the Beanie Baby Vendor for this COB to work.
LanternLanternBigtoyDecreases Need for Pleasure, Loneliness, Boredom, and Fear.
DoughboyDoughboyToyDecreases Need for Pleasure, Tiredness, Sleepiness, and Boredom. Visit the Pillsbury Doughboy Homepage.
Edible BlobsEdible BlobsAnimalWhen picked up increases Sex Drive and decreases Tiredness, Sleepiness, and Boredom. When eaten increases Sex Drive, decreases Hunger, and provides Starch and Glucose.
SandwichSandwichFoodPeanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich decreases Need for Pleasure and Hunger; provides Starch and Glucose.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!CloverPlantSee if your Creatures can find a Four-Leaf Clover. Clover Leaves relieve pain and provide glucose, glycogen, and starch.
What's for Breakfast?Toast & Strudel 1.1FoodStart your Creatures off with a good breakfast every day. Toast, strudel, and bagels decrease hunger and provide glucose, glycogen, and starch. Revised May 6: now the toast disappears when eaten
Rock CollectionRock CollectionShowerAre your Creatures bored? Do they need a hobby? These rocks relieve boredom. New Age Creatures believe that crystals have mystical healing and energizing properties.
Valentine CookieValentine CookieFoodDecreases Need for Pleasure and Hunger; provides Starch and Glucose.
GarlandsGarlandsShowerThe Garlands are similar to the Christmas decorations in the 1997 Christmas Pack from CyberLife. They are just decorations; they have no effect on the Creatures.
RulerRulerShowerThe Ruler is used by the Hand to measure things, but just in case a Creature picks it up, it decreases Need for Pleasure, Tiredness, Sleepiness and Boredom.
Popping ImpatiensPopping ImpatiensPlantProvides Starch; decreases pain, tiredness, boredom
Crayfish ToyCrayfish ToyToyDecreases Need for Pleasure, Boredom, and Anger
CheeseMany CheeseFoodSame as regular cheese, except injects many pieces all at once in the Cellar and in the Garden.
BenjiBenjiAnimalDecreases Need for Pleasure, Tiredness, Loneliness, and Boredom
KittyKittyAnimalDecreases Need for Pleasure, Tiredness, Loneliness, and Boredom
Komodo DragonKomodo DragonAnimalDecreases Need for Pleasure, Loneliness, Boredom, and Anger
Grendel DollGrendel DollShowerDecreases Need for Pleasure, Loneliness, Pain, and Fear

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