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ShadyLady/ Gypsy Rose
... Here I will attempt to tell you
a little about myself...
Well.......as some would say........I'm
TOTALLY nuts.....
(DON'T believe it!! Only PARTIALLY nuts...*LOL*!)
I work with Behavior Disorder children
and those with low reading abilities in a Public School system in a nearby
town......It is my GREAT love of Children, that has given me this wonderful
oppportunity to work with these Beautiful and very Loving children. I DEARLY
LOVE being able reach out to these kids in hopes of making their day and
maybe even their futures a little brighter and easier to handle for some have such rough home lives......
If I can make a SMALL difference in these childrens' lives then my passion
for our children will be well worth it!!!
As you can see, my love for animals
began at a very young age. Above is a photo of me with my Mother, Rose
Marie. The dog in this picture was our next door neighbor's.... Brittany
Spaniel.. 'Muffy'. As soon as I would go out side and she'd see me, Muffy
would beeline for our yard and follow me everywhere. She even followed
me during MY 'training sessions' into the house! *LOL*! Now THAT's devotion!!!
wouldn't you say??!! *Smile* To this day, I still remember Muffy as my
constant companion....
As an adult I became intensely involved
in the sport of showing dogs in AKC shows..my love of animals has given
me true joy and happiness and allowed me to receive the most precious gift
of life - the love of family and friends.......
Scoot over to "Billy's
Page" to view my pride and joy.
Also Meet "Devon" a.k.a. Am./Can. Ch. Bit O Luck DemonMoons Encore CGC
Tribute to "Coty"

Page last updated
May 13, 1999
[ My
Life ] [ Shady Lady ] [ Meet
My Family ][ My First Born ] [ My
Angel , Lacey ]
[ My Parents ] [ My Dad
] [ My Tribute to My Mother ] [ Friends
of the Heart ]
[ Family and Friends ] [ Canine
Companions ] [ My Tribute to Billy ]
[ Luke - My Boxer ] [ Guardian
Angels ] [ Angels ] [ More
Angels ] [ Angel Webrings ]
[ More Angel Webrings ] [ Other
Webrings ] [ Site Map ]
[ Mental and Verbal Abuse ] [ The
Other Side of Life ] [ My Story ] [ Stories
Index ]
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Links ]
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I Give ] [ Award Winning Sites ]
[ A Loving Lady's Awards ] [ My
Banner Collection ] [ Fun Things 'Bout Me
[ My Dad's Hobbies
and Site ] [ Sally
& Cyggie's Beauty Parlor ]
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