Hi there an Welcome ..............
This is my first attempt at creating a web page but I hope you stay and check it out. I will be updating often for I just received a great program called "Front Page" and I found I can now create the things I have wanted to do. You see I'm a Graphic Designer and a "perfectionist" wish can be a good thing or a bad one. I grew up in a small town which as I would aways say.....ever heard of the CN tower? well it's no where near their lol I am allso a TWIN and an identical one at that, and we get along just great. I'm the oldest one by 3 minutes. My poor mom didn't even know she was having twins till the day before she delivered us Yikes! She told me that when we came home from the hospital that she had to keep our I.D. braclets on so she could tell who was who..... I will be creating a page soon to show you how identical I was maybe than you can tell me which one I am in the picture (grin) Here are a few links that I found interesting, most of them are from my friends and family but others are from traveling the world wibe web, I hope you enjoy them |