My Kitchen!
Animal crackers, and cocoa to drink, That is the finest of suppers, I think; When I'm grown up and can have what I please I think I shall always insist upon these
The kitchen's the cosiest place that I know; The kettle is singing, the stove's aglow, And there in the twilight, how jolly to see The cocoa and animals waiting for me.
Well... this is it... my kitchen. If you know anything about women... mothers in particular... you know that this is the room where I spend most of my time. I love being in the kitchen. There are marvelous things in here. Look... over there... see that big box of overflowing recipes? I love to cook. Click here for my recipe of the week. And here are a few recipe sites I have found. I really like the kraft site... has one of those menu planners and grocery list makers on it. To be honest, though, I have not explored all these sites or tried all the recipes... so don't hold me accountable... *L*
OH... and over there... see it... it is the most beautiful piece of machinery ever invented... yes... THE COFFEE POT. I love my coffee pot... because out of it comes liquid life. I typically drink somewhere around a pot a day. Is it any wonder they call me coffeemate... *L*
And last but not least... look at what is over in the corner... could it be... would I dare... yes it is... it is my trusty, not-so-dusty scales! I weigh myself every morning. Now... I know there are some of you that are just dying to know how I lost all this weight. Well let me just say two words... Richard Simmons. Now don't get me wrong... I have to take some credit. He didn't do lyposuction... but his plan is the best I have ever seen if you are truly ready to work on it. You can see some before and after shots of me, or you can visit Richard and other healthy food sites below.
To Richard's Healthy Eating Vitality and Spirit Managing Your Weight Thrive Online Parent Health Zone Index
Hope you enjoyed my kitchen... just go back to the foyer to visit any other rooms.
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