The Den

I have a bachelor's degree in English Literature and writing and I just recently obtained my first job teaching. I teach 10th and 12th grade English. I had to move to North Carolina to get it though... *L*. I love teaching so far and can't wait to see myself making a difference in the lives of my students. But I have to admit, I kind of miss my old job. I used to work in social work and one of my best friends was my boss. I don't miss the job, but I do miss her. So here is to Karen!

you can visit her homepage right next door.

You can also visit another good friend of mine at his homepage. It is Karen's Hubby!

If you like Star Trek this is definitely the place to go!

Even though I miss my friend, Karen, terribly, I do love teaching! It is a place where I face new and exciting challenges everyday. The greatest feeling in the world though is to look into the eyes of a student and see that light that shines there when they finally "get it". The dawning of new knowledge!! There is nothing quite like knowing that you were instrumental in making that light shine... in making a difference in that student. It is the most exciting and invigorating feeling in the world. Anyone can experience it... especially if you have children, or are any way involved in the lives of children. Below are links to various Departments of Education. And if you are looking for a teaching job a great place to search for jobs listed online is Troops to teachers! That's how I got my job!!!! For other education links that are a little more fun and intended for children go to my son's room. He has a lot of neat education links.

NC Department of Education
US Department of Education(This has links to all State Departments... just click on topics from A-Z and then click on the letter "S")
North Carolina schools on the web
Troops to Teachers

As you can probably also imagine by virtue of the fact that I am an English teacher, I also love to read. Sure... I love the classics. Shakespeare was a genius and The Inferno is one of my favorite books. I also love Henry David Thoreau! I think his philosophies on life hit the nail right on the head. But I have to be honest... if I have my choice of reading... Stephen King is where my heart lies. *L* I just love Stephen King. He is my idol!! I have never read anyone quite so talented. I know a lot of people think that he is a hack... a sell out... but if they think that it is only because they have never read any of his work... at least not without a great deal of prejudice going into it. My absolute favorite book of all times is The Stand! It is awesome. Some of my other favorites are: IT, The Shining, Needful Things, The Regulators, Desperation, well... I think you get the point! *L* Here are some links you can visit if you too are a Stephen King fan or if you would like to know more about him!

King Website #1
King Website #2
King Website #3(This one has a chatroom too)

Oh... and here are some other good links about literature. I got so caught up in Stephen King that I almost forgot... *L*

Walden by Thoreau
Internet Library

And you can go to this link to purchase books online. They have everything!

Amazon Books

Well... I hope you enjoyed my den. Come back and visit again. I know it will take a while to visit all these interesting links... *L*. Remember always the more you learn... the more you thirst to know!

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