If I know the best chat rooms
and talk to the coolest people in the world,
but I don't LOVE people,
I am like a bad midi that plays continuously.

If I have the solution to all of your computer
AND personal problems, but don't LOVE you,
I am nothing--null--a zero bit.

If I give all I own to the poor
and all of my time to good causes,
but don't do it for LOVE ,
I gain nothing.

LOVE is patient. LOVE is kind.
LOVE is not jealous.
And LOVE is not proud (that means it is humble).

LOVE is not rude, selfish, or easily angered.
It keeps no history file.
LOVE freely forgives.

Real LOVE does not find pleasure in evil.
True LOVE shares true thoughts.

Real LOVE always looks out for others,
always trusts and does not doubt,
always hopes for the best,
and keeps on LOVING no matter what!

LOVE never fails.

Your computer will wear out.
Modems will get faster and faster
until they are no longer used.
Your ISP will not thrive forever
and your connection will someday be destroyed.

This life is a shadow of things to come,
like comparing an old 12-inch monochrome monitor
with no sound card
to the best 21-inch super VGA color display
with a subwoofer!
Someday, there will be no virtual reality!
We will see face to face.
Now I know you only over the Net
but then I will know you totally,
even as you will know me totally!

There are three things that matter and that will last:
faith, hope and LOVE.
But the greatest of these is LOVE.

a paraphrase of 1 cor. 13 for the net