Sally Neely    e-mail me at:

Sally's Favorites:

Movie - Grumpier Old Men

Food - watermelon

Book - any Daphne du Maurier

Vacation - my next one

Activities - English Handbells, genealogy, computer, swimming and biking

Saying - Take each day, one day at a time, and make it a masterpiece (Grandma Esther's favorite also).

Sally's Comments: Sometimes I feel like a splash of yellow mustard in a Grey Poupon world


Jill Neely   e-mail me at:

Jill's Favorites:

Movie - "An Officer and a Gentleman" for now anyway

Food - Any thing fattening

Vacation - when I go home to Oregon

Activities - Computers, Internet, Computers, Computers, Computers!!

Jill's Comments: This is so much fun, that I really don't want to go to work!!!


Matt Neely e-mail me at:

Matt's Favorites:


Lois Neely  e-mail me at:

Lois' Favorites:

Movie - Three men and a baby!

Food - Quesadillas

Book - Anne of Green Gables series

Vacation - Cruise to the caribbean Activities - crocheting, reading, walking, computers

Saying - Bloom where you're planted



Bradley Neely 

Bradley's Favorites:


Brittany Neely 

Brittany's Favorites:

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