Welcome to the Genealogy Page!

I am Sally Andrews Neely. Along with daughter Jill (the programming whiz creating this page), daughter Lois, son Matthew, and grandchildren Bradley and Brittany, we constitute this branch of the Neely family. But the rest of our family spreads out with love around the world. Our Family Tree is firmly rooted and growing all the time. We each share in courage that crossed our country and continues to flourish through the challenges of each year. We are a culmination of everyone that has come before us and we'll leave a bit of ourselves in those that come after us. Our motto is, "Take each day, one day at a time, and make it a masterpiece".

This work-in-progress was urged as a way to share the results of my 30 years of family history research. It is my hope that others can learn from it and join in this addictive hobby - genealogy. Much of the research involved primary sources when possible, but I ask the reader to forgive any unintentional errors. Would love to hear from you with additions or corrections at Sally1651@attbi.com. I will not be able to do research for you, but hopefully our presentation of the family history will be easy for you to browse for common ancestors. Ancestors and Descendants of Sarah Andrews Neely.

These are the main lines that you will follow in these family histories: ANDREWS in VA is my father's paternal line coming forward from mid-1600's, pulling in GARNETT, BROADDUS, BARBEE, & MINOR lines. MORGAN is my father's maternal line from NC, through KY, IN, & IL with the earliest proven point 1790's. Includes LINDSEY, DAVIS and PATE.

My mother's paternal line of VENTERS, BRYANT, CLEVENGER, HUGGINS, HEMLEIN spring from mid 1700's. Mother's maternal line of PEABODY, HEWITT, GRANT, BREED, GREEN, RANDALL are directly back to England through the 1620's in New England.

My husband's lines cover NEELY, ANDERS, DIERKS, SHORT, CHAPIN, KING, & SARGEANT through many generations. Check our Index for these and many other surnames. Happy hunting.

All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator. They may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Sally Andrews Neely . Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are.

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