Jade, Emmmy's brother,
Yes , I got the bigger picture. I made this web page. We are both Mitred Conures.
Here are some pictures of some of the birds that I share my room with.

This is Lowry, he is a cockatiel.
This is Mickey, unless Mom changes his name again. He is about three years old, he came to live with us a couple of months ago - but he did not have a name?

This is Rudy, he is a GreenCheek Conure.
This is Rosie
Ozzie and Harret, the love birds
Another Picture of Rudy
This is Lemon Drop, he came to live with us because he had a hurt wing. He shares his cage with Silver or LJS because he is missing a foot. But I do not have picture of Silver yet.
Another Picture of me, after all thats what your here for : )
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