Victorian Hearts
Victorian Garden Theme
Ivory Lace
Rose Lace
Bluebird Theme
Painted Lady Victorian Homes
Welcome Doors
Wreath & Garden Images
Victorian Lines
Welcome Banners
Victorian Friends
Directory of Backgrounds & Other Theme sets

Note: This logo has been provided to you to assist you in notifying your guests that this not a public domain collection. It obviously doesn't guarantee that no one will steal the images but at least attempts to protect the investment you made into this set and my work as well.

This collection is copyright 1998 vikimouse-Mousepad Collection. Your purchase of this set entitles you the right to use this set on your website or your personal documents. The images contained in this set are not to be resold, distributed, or sub-contracted. Specific images have been provided to you as part of this collection that may be customized to suit your own webpages. Other non-customizable images are available as-is.

Thanks for your purchase, I hope you enjoy the set.
vikimouse, 1998