You Are So Beautiful To Me

This is a page to pay respect to those we love who were taken from us. It is good to remember, to honor and to celebrate the person they were on earth, and the person they still are, though not with us. God has some pretty good company in heaven, in the persons honored on this page.
Shawn Andrew Crist
7/14/81 - 4/22/96
"God's finger touched him, and he slept." - Lord Alfred Tennyson
Shawn was welcomed into the Crist family through adoption in September of 1990. He loved bike riding, camping, and other outdoor activities. He attended 8th grade with other 14 year olds, and was a Boy Scout just 3 badges short of Eagle Scout.
Shawn left behind his parents, 4 brothers and other family members and good friends. The Crist family has felt priviledged to have shared in the life of this remarkable young man for the years allowed to them. May God bless them richly.

Charles Russell Wilkins
1/25/27 - 4/1/97
Charles Wilkins was a WWII veteran having served his country in the Navy. He not only served his country well, but also his family. He was a devoted and dedicated husband, and father to his 2 daughters. He passed away earlier this year from a heart condition, but his life here left more of an impression than his death. He loved the Lord and it showed in every aspect of the way he lived his life...leaving in turn, a legacy of life! He will be greatly missed by his family and friends but it is the testimony of his daughter DusterJo2, here online, that she plans to see him someday in glory.
To read more about this beloved man go to Duster's In Loving Memory Of
Charles Russell Wilkins Page.

Glenn D. Rickert, Sr.
The Army knew him as a hero. My mother knew him as a loving husband. My family knew him as a wonderful man. But, I only know him through pictures, letters, and stories passed on to me. My Father was born on August 23, 1945. He was one of the thousands of soldiers who died in Vietnam. He was shot down on May 29, 1970. Someday, I will see him for the "first" time, and I will finally get to know my father the way a son should. (written by Glenn Rickett, Jr.)
To read more about this man of honor go to Glenn's In Rememberance of Glenn D. Rickett, Sr. Page.

Thomas R. Doggett
April 1941-June 1970
Beloved Son, Brother, and Uncle
Who was Tommy Dickey Joe? He was somebody; he was nobody; just like you and me. But to his family he was special; just like you and me. We will never know his purpose in this life, but when he had completed it, he went home. Home to suffer no more.
"Tom~~ we miss you and always will.
You will always remain young in our memories and our hearts."
To read more about the life of this remarkable man go to The Thomas R. Doggett Memorial Homepage

Robert Joseph Lock
My husband Robert was born in 1922 and served in World War II in the pacific, was wounded and sent home.
He was a wonderful husband, a loving father and grandfather my lover, and my best friend. We all miss him very much, and I miss him dearly. Nine years have gone by yet there is never a day I don't think about him. --- Grace Lock

You are welcome to email me if you would like me add a loved one's memorial to this page. Just send me a short paragraph of tribute, along with the person's name and dates of birth/death. You may attach a photo of your loved one...please keep it small in order to keep the page at a good loading speed. (the photo of Shawn is a good size, a bit smaller or larger is ok...) All photos must be in either gif or jpg format. If you don't have a scanner or a photo I will be glad to put up roses where the image would go. Please indicate whether you want the 3 or 4 roses in place of a photograph.

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