Please pray for the following requests.
1. On Dec. 1,1998, our beautiful CHEYENNE AUTUMN SMITH, passed,and
here in June 1999, we still no not why, no medical reason. As of yet, please add
Cheyenne and her Mommy and Daddy and 3 yr. old sister to prayer list. We need
GODS help in understanding. Thank You ,Grandma Kym
2.Ruby - Alzhiemers
3. Carolyn - diabetes & leg problems
4. Kristi- reproductive problems & neurological problems
5.Sandy - backproblems
6. Ginger
- strength in the Lord
7.Emy, Miki, Renee - kidnapped to Japan by father.
8.Ashley - brain tumer
9.Steven - leukemia
10.Karissa - spinal meningitis
11.Missy - Cancer
12.Maggie - tricupic atresia "blue baby"
13.Jenny - going through a divorce
14.Paula - cancer, recovering from surgery
15.Andrie - christian in Jakarta, Indonesia (civil unrest)
16.Skye - teenager missing since fri. May 15, 1998 of Rachel - a 4 year-old girl who died from a liver enzyme disorder.
18. With this abundance of school shootings. We should pray for our youth as well as our country.
19.We need to pray for wisdom and guidance for our political leaders.
20.Pat - stroke, Please also keep her husband and their two children in your prayers.
21.Bonnie - ovarian cancer
22.Mary - possible colon cancer
23.Sammy - burned in house fire, critical condition.
24.Steven-age 5 - Leukemia
25.Tasha-Lee-20months - Soft Tissue Cancer
26.Anne - Leukemia
27.Devon - Brain Tumor
28.Lindsey - Down Syndrome and Leukemia
29.Wendy - Breast Cancer
30.Nevin - Autism and ADHD
31.Gerald - Terminal Brain Cancer
32.Katie - Cancer (Wilm's Tumor)
33.Sean - Seizures
34.Janet's mother - Back Surgery
35.Julie Beth - menigitis survivor - Suffering from brain damage.
36.Amy -Julie Beth's mom - Strength in the Lord.
37.David and Michele Butte - Lost 2 day old infant June 25, 1998
38.Carol - Lost her daughter in a car accident
39.Tammy - Pregnant with twins very high risk.
40.Jenny - Pregnant under a lot of stress.
It is my wish that this page will be place for people
to come with prayer requests.
requests will be passed on to an international prayer chain. Your needs
are important. Please take to time to pray for those listed. Send
your requests and a name you would like to be called. It need not be
your true name, God knows who you are. Come back and see your request
listed here.
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