Christmas quiz
1 Were Mary and Joseph married we Jesus was born?
2 What was the name of Joseph's father?
3 What direction did the wise men come from?
4 How did they know where baby Jesus was?
5 How many wise men were there?
6 What gifts did they bring for the baby Jesus?
7 Why didn't the wise men return to tell Herod were Jesus was?
8 Why did the angel tell Joseph to take his family to Egypt?
9 How long did they stay in Egypt ?
10 What was the name of the angel sent by god to tell Mary she was going to have a baby?
11 What was the name of Mary's cousin who was pregnant at the time the angel spoke to Mary?
12 Why did Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem?
13 Where in Bethlehem was Jesus born?
14 Who did the angles first tell of the baby Jesus' arrival?
15 How many days after they were born did they give Jesus his name?
16 What animal's did they sacrifice to god to thank him for the birth of Jesus?
17 What did the holy sprit say when he appeared to Simon?
More comming soon !! mail me for answer idea's or your own question's