Australian Christian Music
A great web site devoted to Christian music both here and abroad. Sections include News, Artists, Gigs, Chat, Releases, and Media. Excellent!
Anything relating to Christian music can probably be found here. If you're looking for an artists web site, CCMusic has compiled a list of over 500 web sites. Web sites are just the beginning! You'll also find links and information on publications, recording studios, videos, newsgroups, and more. Plan to spend plenty of time at this site.
Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi
How did we miss this site?! If you love (or just like) art, you must see this site. Hundreds of the most famous pieces of Christian art are online in the form of high quality, color images. Some you will recognize, many you will not, but they are all breathtaking. This site will send chills down your spine!
Contemporary Christian Music
An excellent site for links to other Christian music sites.
GCN Music Centre
An excellent site for the latest in Christian music resources.
Home of numerous officially-sponsored Christian music sites including Newsboys, DC Talk, Charlie Peacock, Reunion Records, Benson Music Group, CCM Magazine, Gospel Music Association, and more.
Vatican Museums
The Vatican Museums collection comprises 556 JPEG images.