Some Tips

1. To get a pet used to getting its nails clipped, tap a metal spoon against their nails. This aids in preparing them for the feel of the clippers.

2. To help rabbits digest better, feed them small amounts of pineapple. Pineapple contains an enzyme that helps break up fiber, such as hair.

3. To get ferrets to sit still when cutting toenails, put some ferretone on their tummies.

4. Skunk Remover Recipe 1/4 cup baking soda 1 qt. hydroge peroxide 1 tsp. good liquid soap (dawn) Mix well, bathe your pet in it avoiding mucous membranes. This isn't shelf stable so the whole portion must be used. Safe for dogs.

5. Remove burrs, tar, and sticky substances from a dog's hair. Saturate the area with Wesson corn oil. Wash with dog shampoo, rinse immediately, and brush clean.

6. Treat ear mites in cats. Put a few drops of Wesson corn oil into your cat's ear and massage. Then clean out all debris with a ball of cotton. Repeat daily for three days, and the mites should be gone. The oil soothes the cat's sensitive skin, smothers the mites, and promotes healing.

7. Train a dog to stop barking. Squirt some ReaLemon in the dog's mouth and say "Quiet."

8. Eliminate animal urine stains from carpet. Blot up urine, flush several times with lukewarm water, then apply a mixture of equal parts Heinz White Vinegar and cool water. Blot up, rinse, and let dry.

9. Deodorize a cat litter box. Cover the bottom of the litter box with one-quarterinch Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, then add the litter.

10. Clean up pet accidents. Clean with club soda, let dry thoroughly, then sprinkleon Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, allow to sit for fifteen minutes, then vacuum up.

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