Ch. Safranne's Sound The Siren

Siren is a silver miniature poodle. He was born March 13, 2004. I hadn't exactly planned on owning a poodle, but went with a friend to look at the litter and fell in love with his personality. The fact he was SUPER DUPER cute didn't hurt either. Plus, since I'm a pet stylist it can only improve my scissoring abilities. Siren just finished his show career. He became a champion at Sioux Falls with back to back majors with Carol Millar handling him. We are so proud of him and happy to have him home after 5 months.Siren has anOFA Excellent rating for his hips. He is also Optigen A by parentage. His eye CERF was also in good standing.In other words I don't think he could much more perfect.....then again I'm biased.Siren is available for stud on approval of his breeder and myself.

Here are some pictures of him....

profile of head at Duluth
Siren looking at the camera
pictured with Jean
Siren at the Des Moines Show 2006
Siren at the Sioux Falls Show 1st major(2006)

I wanted to share his pedigree with anyone interested as well as showoff some of his relatives. Also are a couple pictures of Siren at 5 months. His personality is the best. He's a little spitfire and sure keeps me on my toes.

Siren's pedigree Show results
Cute puppy head shot Sitting on table at 5months

Siren's father

Am Can. Ch. Safranne's Amity PT Cruiser (silver beige)
PT finished at the AKC championship at 8 months with 5 majors and the Canadian Ch. at 9 months.

Siren's Mother

Tempest did conformation for awhile but decided she wanted to do obedience instead.

Siren's Grandma

Ch. Safranne's Lexus Challenge CDX, TP (silver beige)
Lexi finished in 3.5 months with handler Carol Miller. Lexi won a 4 point major at a poodle speciality. She is also a top producer. She also had time to get her CDX title and a High in Trial. She did all this before she was 7 years.

Siren's great grandma

Other dogs worth noting...

Ch. Safranne's Caddi Catera (silver beige)
Caddi finished with a 5 point major by going Best of Variety over 4 specials. She aslo has a group 3 placement.

Am. Can. Ch. Safranne's Little Sidekick (blue)
Kikker finished at 8 months with 3 majors. With very limited showing he has 26 Best of Variety wins and 5 Group placements. He qualified for the 2002 & 2003 AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Shows.

Ch. Safranne's Sliver Breeze (sliver)
Breeze finished at 13 monts with back to back majors. She was pointed out at 10 months but there were no majors. The first time out in the adult cut she took the majors.

Ch. Safranne's Dream Cruiser (sliver)
Cruiser is Siren's half brother. His father is is Kikker. He just recently finished in July 2006.

Ch. Safranne's Mini Cooper (black)
Cooper is Siren's littermate. He finished in March of 2005.

