Here's Logan
- At Two Years

Logan was born on May 16, 2003. He was born
on his exact due date. He is now 2 years old. He weighs 30+ pounds
and is 30 some inches long. He is HUGE compared to his brother and
sister. Logan's vocabulary is booming. He is putting a few words together to make complete thoughts. He's even more a daredevil then Drew. Logan follows after Drew on a skateboard already, he got a bike for Christmas and he's mastered climbing on and falling off. He's already had his eyebrow glued from when he and Drew were jumping on the bed. It seems he is always climbing some object he's not suppose to. He also has figured out how to open doors to go outside so now I have to keep the doors locked so he doesn't escape. He's a challenge but he's also sweet and cuddly and abuduntly funny.

1 Year Old
Christmas 2003
6 mth bath photo