- 12/03/00 15:08:13
- 11/28/00 14:23:49
My URL:http://junemcpherson@home.com.
Please contact me,have some information and afew old photos.
David Craig McPherson - 10/24/00 00:25:44
My URL:http://mcphersond@hotmail.com
Freddie - 10/22/00 22:23:22
My URL:http://fgm456@aol.com
Your home page is beautiful and you have done a lovely job. I can't see where my husbands family crosses your McPherson line at all.
Mac - 10/07/00 18:18:01
I truley like the format of your family site, I was in search of My Grangfather's(Frank McPherson) past for he was from Mo.USA 1856, Farmed out to Canada and returned to the US and eventually settled in Minnisota. I even got a small rush when I came acros
the photo of Gillespie. He has the McPherson face on our side.
RICHARD T.MCPHERSON - 10/05/00 03:41:15
erik mcpherson - 09/28/00 07:28:48
My URL:http://www.aol.com/erikmcpherson
I am very interested in tracing back my family if you can help me in any way i would be grateful. you can contact me at erikmcpherson@aol.com
Stuart McPherson - 08/22/00 15:20:50
My URL:http://www.getmapping.com
Top site! Nice to know us McPhersons are scattered everywhere!
Kolene Crouch - 07/21/00 21:25:18
My URL:shankleconst@pyramid.net
Looking for the Murdoch family from Scottland.
James W. Murdoch married to Gertrude M. Gillis.
Parents of James are Thomas Murdoch and Ann Weir.
Thank you.
Lois - 07/17/00 01:54:20
My URL:hd_mike@yahoo.com
I thought your site was great. I Loved the history of the McPherson Clan and the music is another great touch. I, myself, am researching my line of McPhersons, staring with B.G. Macpherson who was born about 1763 and married Agnes Flint, they had 15 child
en starting in 1810 with James D. and ending with Nancy Lusane in 1840. Thanks for the beautiful tour. Lois McPherson Bockius
- 07/15/00 07:11:30
Mac - 07/02/00 06:12:44
I tripped onto your site through the family tree maker program hoping to find a connection. My Grandfather was Farmed out in Canada somewhere around 1868 and ended up in Minnesota United States. I've really enjoyed reading the stories.There are few that c
n match the historicle value you have captered.
SFC.Robert T. McPherson
Olympia, Washington
Beth Nelson-Lott - 06/26/00 02:49:48
My URL:http://www.bethlott@hotmail.com
This is a nice site. I am looking for more info on Benjamin Franklin McPherson who was b. 9 Dec 1825 in Pendleton District(now Anderson Co. S.C.)he m.Emily A Prothro or I'm interested in more info on their son DEMETRIUS(Demetrios)CONSTANTINE McPherson who
m. Mary Blanche Harriss 12-13-1871 Halletsville, Lavaca Co.,TX
miranda mcpherson - 05/26/00 17:05:28
Patsy - 05/26/00 13:05:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/6783/INDEX.HTM
Very well done ! So much information.....a welcome addition to the GenWeb Project.
- 05/24/00 07:26:19
Hi Barbara: Just dropping in for a quick look at the new McPherson site. Looks good so far! I like the Scottish music. Keep up the good work dear cousin! Love, Maureen