Globe by Dolores
Welcome to Corkys' Palace, Corky is a Blue and Gold Macaw that is one year old and he lives with his mommy Sandy.. Who owns 3 other birds for the time.. She has a Quaker that never shuts its mouth. Mommy sure named the this bird right. You see his name is Big Green Dummy. The reason that I think that she named him correctly is because he thinks that he can beat up on a Big Maccaw..Silly little bird.Then she has these to other birdies that live in the place she calls a kitchen.. I think that she calls these two Cockatiels.. One is a Latino,named Baby and the other one is a Gray-pied named Peaches..Now these two are real quite and never talk but they do whistle. My mom thinks that I'm real special cause you see I'm real gentle and I do talk some for only being a year old.. My mommy likes to spend time on the Mcaw Chat and RTC telling stories and learning about birds in general.. She as met alot of really nice people there and has learned alot on how to take care of all us birds. I'm kinda worried about my mommy though. Cause you see I keep hearing that she has been bitten by something Called the Parrot Bug. I don't know what this is or what it looks like,sure hope that it can't bite Caw's!!!! I hear mommy saying that she wants a CAG or a TAG whatever they are. Are they birds or treats??? My mommy is real good to all the birds here she cooks and bakes for us,buys us lots of fruits and veggies so we can make BIG MESSES!!!!!!!! Oh well big bird make big mess right??? She is always buying or making us toys. Some of her friends call her, "Tool Lady",cause she saws,drills,and colors all sort wood pieces to make us toys. She even makes us neat toys out of something called a Coconut. My Caw friends from that chat group she spends so much time on are really cool... There is this girl Caw named Sassy that is a real looker.Her mommy Lisa sends me neat things in the mail addressed to ME!! Then there is my partners in crime Trubble aka Ollie, Spencer,Checkers, Polly, Tango,Mango, and of course the little guy that I'm going to teach all my bad habits to OZ. His daddy Keith helps my mommy with the puter thingy that she plays with so I only think that it is fair that I teach Oz some neat tricks to play on his daddy. Mommy said that I get to have my pictures put on here too. When this happens do the rest of you Caw's know if that will make us CAW'S Famous or Something??? Hope that you have enjoyed your vist with me and will come back when we do more to this page.
Hello to all my Aunts an Uncles an fellow Nieces an Nephews out there
in Cyberland. Thought maybe it was time to bring you all up to speed on
What is new in mine an my families life. Since mom typed my last story
lots has changed around here. Starting around Dec. I heard mom saying she
wanted something called a TAG. Well then in Jan. or Feb. she got real
brave an told dad that she was getting one. Well dad did something really
unusual for him. Raised his voice an told her Not Unless you get rid of
the Keets an Tiels. You know the ones that were Big Green Dummy's an my
brothers an sisters. So mom says Fine if that is how it has to be. The
next day we hear mom on the phone thingy with some lady mom says is real
nice. Her name is June an she just lives down the road from us. Anyway mom
asks her if she would like to have the Keets an Tiels? June is all excited
an tells mom sure. A few days later her comes June an her family to get
them. Yep they took the cage, stand, toys, treats, an food. Gee think that
might mean that they aren't coming back???? Then mom really starts acting
all kinda strange. Cleaning an painting an papering the walls. Says she
wants it all done before the new baby comes home. Big Green Dummy an I
just look at each other an shake our heads. Wondering what has gotten into
her. Then to our amazement she gets even stranger. If that is possible
!!!! Anyway she up an starts taking off leaving Big Green Dummy an I home
alone. Now this is real ODD !! You see we are the bestes't of traveling
buddies the three of us. Well one night she finally comes home from one of
her trips away. Tells dad that this thing called a TAG is really very
small an has NO Feathers???? What is this thing???? Then to make life even
more confusing to us she starts talking about this lady something called a
breeder named Sandy. Now remember folks we already have an Aunt Sandy who
is mom's sister. But mom says it isn't the same person now. What is with
these humans??? Sure must like that name Sandy or just couldn't think of
any others???? Next we hear mom telling dad she wants to name this baby
thing Spencer , Kai, or TCA. Dad says nope we will call him/her Rambo. Mom
said NO WAY !!!! An you all know how moms can be when they set their minds
to something. Anyway the next thing we know she said its name is Cole.
Poor dad he tried in vain to change her mind. We know how that ended. Just
wasn't going to change it. Then one night in the middle of March here
comes Aunt Sandy an that other lady named Sandy. Now you would have
thought it is some Special Holiday of something the way mom was acting.
Here is our mom bouncing all around with excitement. She even goes out to
the car to meet them. Just can't let them come to the door an then answer
it. Well, the next thing we know here all 3 of them come. Mom is carrying
this real small dark grey with red on its tail real close to her. Well at
least it has feathers I thought. An of course show off Big Green Dummy
yells out Hello What's your Name. Well dad, Big Green Dummy an I are all
still trying to figure out what is so special about this Grey Bird an why
mom is so excited. Little did Big Green Dummy an I know at the time, this
little Grey Ball of Feathers is supposed to be able to out talk us. Now
this is according to mom. Gee wonder if she thinks that he will be able to
out talk her too??? That sure would be fun to hear !!!!! Now you must
understand that Big Green Dummy an I both are really good talkers!!! But
there is No Way we are ever going to out do mom. She can be a real motor
mouth at times. Just ask dad !!! He always tells it like it is. Then about
the worst possible thing happens around here. Big Green Dummy really gets
his tailfeathers bent out of whack about something, an really starts
hurting himself. An I mean Really Bad !!!! Mom tells dad that she is
really worried about Big Green Dummy an she doesn't think he will make it.
An now I'm worried about my little green brother too. Cause heard her say
that she thinks that he is going to die. What's that??? Must not be
anything good cause mom cried alot. On Monday morning mom gathers up Cole
an Big Green Dummy an off They go. Mom said I was a big boy an had to stay
home this trip. What a bummer that was. Sure wasn't anything like the
movie Home Alone. Several hours later here comes mom an Cole. I looked an
watched everywhere for Big Green Dummy. But nope he just wasn't with her.
Now I'm really scared. When dad gets home that evening mom tells him Big
Green Dummy is in something called the hospital an might not make it,cause
he is really in bad shape. He had lost alot of blood an all his blood
counts were really low. Now me being a Caw I really don't understand all
this but know it must be really bad cause mom is crying again. The next
morning mom calls down to that hospital thingy to see how our buddy is
doing. An much to her suprise they tell her he can come home. So off she
takes again. Leaving me to babysit that dern little Cole. Several more
hours later here she come with my Bestest Buddy. She has lots of medicines
for him an he is wearing this funny little white thing. She called it a
collar or something like that. Gee didn't anyone out there tell her birds
don't wear shirts or collars??? When dad get home she tells him that Doc.
Brain said that Big Green Dummy has to wear that collar all the time. Now
we all know that Big Green Dummy is just as stubborn as mom ever dared to
be. So this ought to prove to be fun. Well you guessed it. Big Green Dummy
didn't let us down. He sure gave mom a good run for her money. Yeap that
little guy showed her alright. Everytime she turned her back or put him to
bed off would come that funny looking collar thingy. Geesh so silly of her
to think that she was big enough an smart enough to keep it on him. No Way
under the worst feather conditions was he wearing it. Mom even sewed snaps
on it trying to make it so he couldn't get it off. But she just wasted
time an lost that battle. About this time Aunt Chere an Uncle Dave sent me
this really COOL new playtree. WOW !!!!!!!!! Is this thing GREAT!!!!!!!!
The next couple days I practiced some new tricks then decided to let mom
see them. Now keep in mind that mom has always called me the Upside Down
Macaw. Cause I would sooner play on my back than my feet. Gee can you
guess what my new trick was??? Yeap I learned to lay on the broad of my
back on just a perch an play with the neat to Aunt Lisa D. an Uncle Mike
had sent me along time ago. It is still my all time favorite toy. Now mom
thought this was so great she just had to run to that place called Macaw
Chat at Up At Six Avaries an tell all her friends in Cyberland. Well all
us Caw's know we like to be show offs an get attention. When she tells all
of you about this some suggested that she get a picture of it an share it
with everyone. If you ask me they just wanted proof that mom had really
lost it this time. Because she is so worried about Big Green Dummy.
Figured that she would never get that picture. Well Low An Behold out
comes that camera thing. An guess who it is aiming most at. Yeap just this
normal Caw on his play tree. Now what is the big deal. but since she has
been worried so bad I decided to humor her an let her take that picture.
Well guess I had better end this before everyone out there goes blind from
reading. Before I go I would like to tell you all that Big Green Dummy jut
kept hurting himself an making mom cry. An that Cole that little Grey Bird
is really growing an starting to talk. Sure was along 4 months around here
for us. Well Big Green Dummy is now all better an has completed his
treatments. Some big word "Acupuncture." Whatever that is. An he
was also put on Herbs by our good Dr. Brian Woodward. He is the GREATEST
!!!! All of us at this house would like to tell him an his staff a GREAT
BIG THANK YOU !!! We sure would have missed that little green bird Big
Green Dummy. Mom ,Cole, Big Green Dummy an I would also like to take this
time to say MANY THANKS to all you Cyber Aunts an Uncles , Nieces an
Nephews out there that prayed for us. We just want you all to know that we
think your the BESTEST There IS Anywhere out there. An a Special thanks to
Uncle Tanner an Aunt Nicci for putting this up with our new pictures.
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