The Peden Family

Welcome to the Peden Family home page! I am glad you stopped by for a visit. I am always working on this page to make it better and update it.
Chris and I [Liane] were both born and raised in Alberta Canada. We first met at a local ski hill. We would see each other every now and then, but only as friends. It was not untill some seven years later would we meet again. This time it was at a local bar. I was at my girlfriends birthday party[Sept. '94], and Chris snuck out of work early. Well it is the old story, I saw him from across a crowded room and fell in love. We were married April 15, 1995 in Las Vegas, Nevada. I knew from the moment I met him I would marry him. I came home and told my parents that I met the man I was going to marry, and for once I was right!
September 2003

We had Kaleb Gordon Peden Feb 28 1996 In Edmonton Alberta Canada at 8:56am emergancy c-sectin he was 8lbs 3oz and 20 3/4" long.
Emily Alexandra Peden was born March 27 1997 In Edmonton Alberta Canada at 5:20pm emergancy c-section she was 8lbs 11oz and 20" long.
Hunter Richard was born October 26, 1999 in St. Albert, Albert via PLANNED C-section at 10:02am. Hunter was 7lbs 14oz, and 191/2" long
Well we did it agian! We had another boy! Landon Joseph was born July 9th 2001 in Stony Plain Alberta! Landon was the first C-section ever at the new hospital. We are famous! Have you heard of us yet? LOL Anyway, Landon was born at 8:58 am he was 7lbs 9oz and 19 1/2" He looks just like Hunter but with two yummy little dimples! VERY kissable! Here is a picture of Landon, I will work on his page soon, when I have time (meaning don't hold your breath it won't happen soon!)
Kaleb is quite the little artist, you ask, he will draw it, he is really rather good!
Emily loves dresses!! Oh what little fights have started in this house over dresses! You will never guess who wins? Emily is VERY much her mother's daughter, can you say STUBBORN?
Hunter is our little Hockey player! Look for him in 16 years as the smallest player ever to enter the NHL!
Landon isn't into much as you can imagine, Hunter finds this rather annoying. Can you imagine a 5-day-old baby NOT being able to use a slide? Hunter is in shock! LOL

Hunter Richard

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