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Who Am I?

My name is Ann. I am 48 years old, I live in Manitoba, Canada and am on fire for Jesus. I lived in Saskatchewan for 22 years and now I am pastoring in Manitoba, but was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I graduated from Canadian Theological Seminary in 2000 with my Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry. My earlier education was at York University, Glendon College with my BA in 1977, and from Queen's University with an Education degree in 1978. So all you alumni please drop me a line.

Personal Interests
I love Worship and Praise music especially when I can just hang out with God. I play guitar and sing so worship is always part of my day. I love reading the Bible and studying various theological books. I love sharing my faith with others. I have a heart for mercy ministry with the poor, sick, grieving and abused. I was a Girl Guide leader for 10 years and enjoy camping. I also am a true Canuck who loves hockey especially the Edmonton Oilers and of course living in Manitoba I the CFL Winnipeg Blue Bombers.

Here are some pics of my family taken around the time of my graduation in April 2000
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