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Rafting. What does that word bring to mind. Well I guess like most Canadian kids, it always meant a rather small water craft, made to travel on rivers and lakes usually powered by the effort of paddles or oars. Now it means something much different. Rafting is a RADICAL FAITH TREK. For me, a participant in Faith Trek 2 from Regina Vineyard, it was a growing, learning and faith building experience.
In August and September of 1998 seven Canadians from Western Canada travelled to England for a faith trek that would take us to work with and minister to the people in Croydon, near London England, to Birmingham for a Vineyard youth conference and to Belfast Northern Ireland to work with the Belfast City Vineyard in ministry. We only stayed a short time but we had wonderful opportunities to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ in Belfast and to work alongside these folks to bring the Gospel to the street of Belfast. We did outreach to both the Catholic and Protestant parts of the city. We had prayer walks in the most scarred and violent areas of the city. We did this not long after the Omah bombing. Each of us on the team had a fantastic time. We were blessed by the warmth of the people of Northern Ireland and the way they received us.
The people of Northern Ireland long for peace. I believe it is not far away. I do not think the peace will made by politicians but by God working to bring unity among these people, breaking down sectarianism and religiosity and working in the hearts of people to create a living faith in Jesus which transcends the power of the years of civil unrest or the labels "Catholic or Protestant".
Please Pray for the peace of Northern Ireland.
Some Pictures of Belfast
this is the downtown area
this is Queen's University
As I get my pictures scanned I will put more on the site. This site is under construction. Thanks for your patience.
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